It is not only Khardor who have gotten a quality of life update. It is clear that Skorne has as well. Xerxis, Fury of Halaak has mounted his favourite Rhino, gathered some elephants and a litter of kittens. For unknown reasons he has decided to bring the whole menageri across the desert and into Khador territory. Sorcha is dispatched along with her Man-o-Wars to send Xerxis back. It turns out that Khador steel is steadfast against claws and bites from Xerxis' pet shop.
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Warriors of the Old Faith under Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's orders (Vlad3)
Some of the heroes of Umbrey are finally realised the errors in going south and joining the emerging cult. They have returned under the banners of the Tzepesci family to fight off the infernal threat. The Great Prince of Umbrey is the natural choice to lead the cavalry of the old faith. Warriors of the Old Faith demonstrates that Khador lists are not slow and lumbering. Charge of the horse lords for country, empress and the old faith!
Tuesday, 2 February 2021
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion's (Vlad2) vs. Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke (Locke1)
Convergence is not an opponent I see too often. I have actually only faced them once before. I am told that they have received a CID upgrade, and are now a force to be reckoned with. They are a bit odd compared to both Warmachine and Hordes factions, as they do Focus in a strange way, where they can spend one and then pass it on. The army in front of me has a tremendous number of floating 'jacks with sharp elbows. Let's see how Vlad2 and his Wolves of Winter fare.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Wolves of Winter under Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion's orders (Vlad2)
The wisdom of the internet argues that Vlad2 is the perfect Warcaster to lead a Wolves of Winter list. Here is my take on how a horde of crazy semi-naked manics, support by wizards in funny hats can defend the honour of the Motherland. 24 Doom Reavers, 14 Greylords, two Archons, and two 'jacks are under Vladimir Tzepesci's orders. Any short comings in Vlad's performance are solely the fault of the man behind the lines.
Monday, 1 June 2020
A year of playing Winter Guard Kommand
It has been around a year since I decided to focus on Winter Guard Kommand and try to actually figure our how it works. I have played basically two different lists. One Stalingrad-style list under Irusk2 and one Gun Carriage based list under Vlad1 (in addition to a few variations of the themes). I think it is about time to evaluated how Winter Guard Kommand has worked, what is good and bad, and what I have learned.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Last stand of Vlad and his valiant Winter Guards
Vlad is at his last stand. After leading the infamous Winter Guards for over a year, it is about time to allow him to rest. Going out with a bang is important. So, Vlad went to a five game tournament where he got to face Crucible Guards, Dwarfs, Skorne and Infernals. At the end of a busy day, it is not completely clear that he actually went out with a bang. He did, however commit 100% in every single battle and tried out all tricks that he could think of. Here are the adventures of Vlad's five game last stand.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince (Vlad1) vs. Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince (Vlad1)
This is strange Vlad is facing Vlad. The confusion is complete. The only thing I am sure of is that Vlad is going to win. So, Vlad the Imposter is challenging the True Vlad. imposer is bringing Jaws of the Wolfs against True Vlad's famous Winter Guards. The battle proceeds as expected. Vlad is more or less in control, until he does what he sometimes do when he is bored. He wanders too far forward. He ends up inside Behemoth's threat range... Imposter is victorious.
Saturday, 15 February 2020
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince (Vlad1) vs. The Harbinger of Menoth (Harbinger1)
The Harbinger is back. She has become a returning visitor to the rough land of Khador. Personally, I think she has gotten an unhealthy appetite for this whole chains and whip thing. At least she seems to enjoy having her rear smacked by Vlad. Once again, she discovers that Khador is among the fastest factions in the world. Between Gun Carriages and Marauders thriving on Vlad's feat, she is again a victim of piston to face (which she seems to enjoy).
Thursday, 6 February 2020
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince (Vlad1) vs. vs. Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven (Goreshade4)
Goreshade is back with the elves. This should be a battle well suited for Vlad and his fantastic Winter Guards. However, Vlad (or rather the man behind the lines) has a really crappy day. The battle quickly boils down to an excellent demonstration of "what not to do", "how to use the clock most inefficient", and "consequences of no planning". This is not the proudest day in the Winter Guards annals. Vlad will have a discussion with the man behind the lines.
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince (Vlad1) vs. Supreme Kommandant Irusk (Irusk2)
Khador seems to have become a troubled place lately. Once again two of the Empress' finest are at it against each other. Irusk is leading a bunch of homicidal maniacs, support by several winged flying creatures against Vlad and his finest Winter Guards. This battle turns into a rather bloody thing. The final clash is between old wisdom (and really big cool flag) and young stamina. Irusk must admit that maniacs are no match for the valour and discipline of Winter Guards.
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