Showing posts with label List building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label List building. Show all posts

Friday, 10 January 2025

January update 2025 for the Winter Korps?

The long awaited January update has finally arrived. The entire Khador has been anticipating this. Will it fix some of the general issues with Winter Korps? Will the less played models have an upgrade? Will some models have an unnecessary downgrade? And many more questions. Let's look at the highlights of this update. I'll focus on Winter Korps and might not go into other armies, unless something really stands out.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Shock Trooper Pikemen - The Unpolished Gem?

The Shock Trooper Pikemen have long been sitting idle in the Khador barracks waiting for some action. Partly because other parts of the Khador military has been busy. Yet, also partly because I haven't been able to figure out what to do with them. Baranova brought four units to this year's WTC and they seem to be performing. So, here are some musing over what the Pikemen can do, which Warcasters do what, and how to polish the gem.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

The Motherland returns to WTC

Following the success (I think) at last year's WTC in Belgium, the Motherland is attending this year's WTC in Denmark. It is a new time with Mark IV live. This year I'm bringing Malakov and Strakhov, both in 5th division. I think that Legacy models perform pretty well in the new environment. However, as so many times before, the armies were led down by the man behind the line. Yet, all in all it was pretty good.

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Winter Korps core army box, what can we build?

The Winter Korps is finally here. At last we can field the new improved Winter Korps Army. A good starting point is the core army starter set. This gives us most of what we need to build an army. The set itself easily allows us to build a 50 point army; but not enough to build 75 point. Here is some musing over what this starter set can give us.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

The Motherland went to the WTC

I'm have been representing the Motherland at the WTC in Belgium this year. This was a first for me. It is the last time MKIII will be played as MKIV was recently been announced. I brought Old Witch 2 along with her half-naked crazed people in Wolves of Winter and Karchev 2 with all the Warjacks he could find in Jaws of the Wolf. I'm happy with how I performed. I'm excited and I'll be returning in 2023. So, here are some impressions.

Monday, 28 February 2022

A venture into Brawlmachine and Disciples of Agony

Welcome to something completely different. I have attended a one day Brawlmachine event, and I though I would try something completely different. I am trying a Hordes faction that somehow resemble Khador (which I normally play) in the sense that it has very heavy Warbeasts and interesting infantry: Skorne. But why keep it simple, when I can also play Minions. Enter Disciples of Agony, where Skorne and Minions can mix. Here is some rational on my list. Reports on how it went will follow later.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Jaws of the Wolf under Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff (Sorscha3)

The Empress has decreed that the Infernal pestilence has been removed from the Motherland. Thus, armies are moving again and battles are fought. Sorscha Kratikoff has for a long time lead her fellow Man-o-Wars as the Armored Korps. Thereby attracted a lot of Man-o-wars as irregulars; whom she is now leading in Jaws of the Wolf. The combination of heavy durable infantry and nimble light infantry; combined with the best armoured 'jacks available will spell trouble for the enemies of the Motherland!

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Winter Guard Kommand under Vlad1 - post quality of life update

Vlad is back. He have had a long and proud tradition of leading the double Gun Carriage Winter Guard Kommand list. He managed to have a 50% win rate over a year of playing (which on this blog is considered very impressive). The recent Quality of Life Update has affected the Winter Guard Kommand and the corresponding troops. The changes are not huge. Nevertheless, this post will sum up the changes and how Vlad's new and improved Winter Guard Kommand list looks. 

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Warriors of the Old Faith under Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's orders (Vlad3)

Some of the heroes of Umbrey are finally realised the errors in going south and joining the emerging cult. They have returned under the banners of the Tzepesci family to fight off the infernal threat. The Great Prince of Umbrey is the natural choice to lead the cavalry of the old faith. Warriors of the Old Faith demonstrates that Khador lists are not slow and lumbering. Charge of the horse lords for country, empress and the old faith!

Thursday, 31 December 2020

Wolves of Winter under Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion's orders (Vlad2)

The wisdom of the internet argues that Vlad2 is the perfect Warcaster to lead a Wolves of Winter list. Here is my take on how a horde of crazy semi-naked manics, support by wizards in funny hats can defend the honour of the Motherland. 24 Doom Reavers, 14 Greylords, two Archons, and two 'jacks are under Vladimir Tzepesci's orders. Any short comings in Vlad's performance are solely the fault of the man behind the lines.

Monday, 1 June 2020

A year of playing Winter Guard Kommand

It has been around a year since I decided to focus on Winter Guard Kommand and try to actually figure our how it works. I have played basically two different lists. One Stalingrad-style list under Irusk2 and one Gun Carriage based list under Vlad1 (in addition to a few variations of the themes). I think it is about time to evaluated how Winter Guard Kommand has worked, what is good and bad, and what I have learned.

Friday, 19 July 2019

Winter Guard Kommand under Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince's orders (Vlad1)

Vlad is a Winter Guard's second best friend after Irusk2. Where Irusk2 keeps them alive to fight another day, Vlad1 makes them fight today. This post details my approach to Winter Guard Kommand under Vlad1. As a special treat, this list contains two of the Empress' finest Gun Carriages. A marvellous addition to a WGK list under Vlad1.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Revisited: Winter Guard Kommand under Supreme Kommandant Irusk's orders (Irusk2)

Irusk2 is still a Winter Guard's best friend and Stalingrad-style lists are fun. However, over time Irusk has learned that the original list had its downsides. First and foremost, there is a lack of ARM-cracking ability. This is an attempt to remedy some of the problems, by changing the list to include the Greylord Adjunct and the triple Marauder battle group.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Winter Guard Kommand under Supreme Kommandant Irusk's orders (Irusk2)

Irusk2 is a winter guard's best friend. I like to run him in a Stalingrad-style list. This post sumes up my thoughts and experiences with Irusk2 in the Winter Guard Kommand theme. Any short comings in the performance of Irusk and his winter guards are solely the fault of the player.