Showing posts with label Mortar Crew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mortar Crew. Show all posts

Friday, 19 July 2019

Winter Guard Kommand under Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince's orders (Vlad1)

Vlad is a Winter Guard's second best friend after Irusk2. Where Irusk2 keeps them alive to fight another day, Vlad1 makes them fight today. This post details my approach to Winter Guard Kommand under Vlad1. As a special treat, this list contains two of the Empress' finest Gun Carriages. A marvellous addition to a WGK list under Vlad1.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Winter Guard Kommand under Supreme Kommandant Irusk's orders (Irusk2)

Irusk2 is a winter guard's best friend. I like to run him in a Stalingrad-style list. This post sumes up my thoughts and experiences with Irusk2 in the Winter Guard Kommand theme. Any short comings in the performance of Irusk and his winter guards are solely the fault of the player.