The Harbinger is back. She has become a returning visitor to the rough land of Khador. Personally, I think she has gotten an unhealthy appetite for this whole chains and whip thing. At least she seems to enjoy having her rear smacked by Vlad. Once again, she discovers that Khador is among the fastest factions in the world. Between Gun Carriages and Marauders thriving on Vlad's feat, she is again a victim of piston to face (which she seems to enjoy).
Harbinger is a recurrent opponent for Vlad. He has faced her twice before. Once beating her (for battle report see here) and once loosing to her (see here for battle report). It is usually quite fun playing the flammable fanatics. So, she is back with her Faithful Masses. This time in yet another slightly different version. As always, Vlad is bringing his trusted Winter Guards — what better way to teach the lady some manners?
Protectorate [Theme] The Faithful Masses [Harbinger 1] The Harbinger of Menoth [+27] . - Judicator [35] Avatar of Menoth [18] Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3] Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3] Champion of the Order of the Wall [8] Champion of the Order of the Wall [8] Menite Archon [8] Menite Archon [8] The Covenant of Menoth [4] Vassal of Menoth [3] Choir of Menoth (min) [4] Initiates of the Wall [0(7)] Initiates of the Wall [0(7)] Initiates of the Wall [0(7)] | Khador [Theme] Winter Guard Kommand [Vladimir 1] Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince [+28] - Marauder [11] - Marauder [11] - Marauder [11] Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [0(4)] Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [0(3)] Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [0(3)] Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [4] Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [4] Winter Guard Mortar Crew [0(5)] Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [8] - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6] Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [8] - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6] Winter Guard Gun Carriage [17] Winter Guard Gun Carriage [17] |
Initial Thoughts
The Harbinger of Menoth has a tremendous amount of focus, 10 to be precise! This also means that she has a huge Control Area, a massive 20". She packs the spell Purification, which normally is to be feared. However, Vlad does not have any upkeep spells, so he is not bothered. She can cast Crusader's call, which give +2" move to her models charging in her Control Area. She also has a Command range of 12". Again, a considerable area. Inside this area she automatically give a -2 to hit to enemy models through Awe (living that is, so 'jacks and Carriages are OK); she can also use Martyrdom, where she can remove 1 hp of damage from a disabled model. Though, she does suffer 1d3 damage. Finally, her feat deals a POW 14 damage roll and continuous fire to enemy models that end their movement within 12" of her. Oh, and she can't be blinded, knockdown or be affected by back strike. The theme The Faithful Masses, makes 'jacks angry. If a friendly warrior is killed within 5" the 'jack gets +2 to melee attack and damage rolls.
She brings the ubiquitous Judicator and as something new Avatar of Menoth. The Judicator brings, besides the standard colossal POW 21 fists, a lot of shooting. It has two 10" POW 12 sprays and two 14" POW 14 AOE 3" rockets, which are inaccurate. Both of these weapons are proper infantry killers. Since it is equipped with Reliquary (which is basically Hand of Fate: roll one extra dice, drop the lowest), it is rather accurate with the sprays. It can hit DEF 14 on the average, which gives it a 80% probability to hit a Winter Guard. It is less dangerous with the rockets, they only have a 20% probability to hit a Winter Guard. They do however kill them even under the AOE 3" blast. On the bright side, two Marauders can trivially kill it. Actually, one Marauder can kill it if something else can remove 11 points from it first.
The Avatar of Menoth is a completely different beast. It is a self contained 'jack that feed itself focus (d3+1 each of its Control Phase). It is not part of a battle group. It hit Juggernaut-style hard at P+S 19, reach 2" and P+S 14 at reach 1". In addition, it can do Menoth's Gaze, which forces models within 8" to only advance towards the Avatar. It is 18 points, which actually sounds kind of OK. Even though four free focus is pretty strong.
Harbinger brings only four units, three of which are for free. She brings three units of Initiates of the Wall (for free!). They are all Shield Guards, they have Set Defence, have five boxes, and Unbreakable Wall. The lattes makes them immune to knockdown and all sorts of moves. All of this basically make them ARM 21 (effective ARM 23 against charge attacks), they can Shield Guard each other, and if everything else fails, Harbinger can martyr them. They can really mess up a Gun Carriage's day. On the bright side, their damage output is surprisingly low. Did I mention they are free?
The ubiquitous Choir of Menoth is obviously present. They are there to boost 'jacks, either by giving out +2 to damage rolls, immunity to targeting by non-magical ranged attacks, or immunity to be targeting by spells. This is bad news for a list full of shooty stuff.
On the solo-side she brings the standard two munks and two champions on horses. She also brings the book and a Vassal of Method. To round the list off, she bring two shiny new Menite Archons (so new that they haven't even been painted yet!).
The two Champion of the Order of the Wall are some pretty hefty Dragoons comparable to our own Man-O-War Dragoons. They are Steady and Sturdy, so no Field Gun fun, and have Retaliatory Strike. Actually, they are quite dangerous, and somewhat difficult to remove. They can also charge stuff 15" away (assuming Crusader's call). They are really difficult when either claiming a flag or contesting a zone. Speaking of scenario solos, Harbinger also brings two really irritating fighting monk, or Allegiant of the Order of the Fist. These monks are annoying, flag capturing, tough, and hard to remove speed bumps. The will most likely be at DEF 18, and move about if an attack misses them.
The Covenant of Menoth is basically a huge book being dragged around. Despite only having five boxes, it actually takes five attacks to get rid off. It only suffers one point of damage irregardless of how much a roll exceeds its ARM. It can cast three spells: Flames of Wrath, which makes enemy models hit by an attack suffer continuous fire; Lawgiver's Creed, which hinders enemy models from casting spells within 10"; and Power of Faith, which stops friendly faction models from being knocked down or made stationary within 5". All of these three abilities are actually bad for Vlad and his troops; the latter probably going to be the most used.
The Vassal of Menoth is new to me. It is a 'jack booster as it can do Enliven ('jack can make an advance if it suffers damage), Empower (hey, another free focus), and Arcane Bolt, which we are probably not going to see a lot.
Finally, the two flying Menite Archons. The big flaming Menoth fliers. It, like all other Archons has a lot of build in rules: It gets an local Signs & Portens on its own attack and damages rolls (Divine Inspiration); It cannot be knocked down or made blind (Divine Manifestation); It gets angry if friendly warrior is killed within 10" (+2 STR and ARM for one round), and it gets Vengeance; and it has Ashen Veil. There are more rules, but none really relevant here. The two weapons are reach 2" P+S 15 and Dispel, and 2" reach P+S 13 Thresher and Grievous Wounds. All in all it is kind of dangerous.
This is a tweaked version of Harby and her Faithful Masses, which Vlad has faced quite a few times. He is not super worried, despite heavy odds.
She brings the ubiquitous Judicator and as something new Avatar of Menoth. The Judicator brings, besides the standard colossal POW 21 fists, a lot of shooting. It has two 10" POW 12 sprays and two 14" POW 14 AOE 3" rockets, which are inaccurate. Both of these weapons are proper infantry killers. Since it is equipped with Reliquary (which is basically Hand of Fate: roll one extra dice, drop the lowest), it is rather accurate with the sprays. It can hit DEF 14 on the average, which gives it a 80% probability to hit a Winter Guard. It is less dangerous with the rockets, they only have a 20% probability to hit a Winter Guard. They do however kill them even under the AOE 3" blast. On the bright side, two Marauders can trivially kill it. Actually, one Marauder can kill it if something else can remove 11 points from it first.
The Avatar of Menoth is a completely different beast. It is a self contained 'jack that feed itself focus (d3+1 each of its Control Phase). It is not part of a battle group. It hit Juggernaut-style hard at P+S 19, reach 2" and P+S 14 at reach 1". In addition, it can do Menoth's Gaze, which forces models within 8" to only advance towards the Avatar. It is 18 points, which actually sounds kind of OK. Even though four free focus is pretty strong.
Harbinger brings only four units, three of which are for free. She brings three units of Initiates of the Wall (for free!). They are all Shield Guards, they have Set Defence, have five boxes, and Unbreakable Wall. The lattes makes them immune to knockdown and all sorts of moves. All of this basically make them ARM 21 (effective ARM 23 against charge attacks), they can Shield Guard each other, and if everything else fails, Harbinger can martyr them. They can really mess up a Gun Carriage's day. On the bright side, their damage output is surprisingly low. Did I mention they are free?
The ubiquitous Choir of Menoth is obviously present. They are there to boost 'jacks, either by giving out +2 to damage rolls, immunity to targeting by non-magical ranged attacks, or immunity to be targeting by spells. This is bad news for a list full of shooty stuff.
On the solo-side she brings the standard two munks and two champions on horses. She also brings the book and a Vassal of Method. To round the list off, she bring two shiny new Menite Archons (so new that they haven't even been painted yet!).
The two Champion of the Order of the Wall are some pretty hefty Dragoons comparable to our own Man-O-War Dragoons. They are Steady and Sturdy, so no Field Gun fun, and have Retaliatory Strike. Actually, they are quite dangerous, and somewhat difficult to remove. They can also charge stuff 15" away (assuming Crusader's call). They are really difficult when either claiming a flag or contesting a zone. Speaking of scenario solos, Harbinger also brings two really irritating fighting monk, or Allegiant of the Order of the Fist. These monks are annoying, flag capturing, tough, and hard to remove speed bumps. The will most likely be at DEF 18, and move about if an attack misses them.
The Covenant of Menoth is basically a huge book being dragged around. Despite only having five boxes, it actually takes five attacks to get rid off. It only suffers one point of damage irregardless of how much a roll exceeds its ARM. It can cast three spells: Flames of Wrath, which makes enemy models hit by an attack suffer continuous fire; Lawgiver's Creed, which hinders enemy models from casting spells within 10"; and Power of Faith, which stops friendly faction models from being knocked down or made stationary within 5". All of these three abilities are actually bad for Vlad and his troops; the latter probably going to be the most used.
The Vassal of Menoth is new to me. It is a 'jack booster as it can do Enliven ('jack can make an advance if it suffers damage), Empower (hey, another free focus), and Arcane Bolt, which we are probably not going to see a lot.
Finally, the two flying Menite Archons. The big flaming Menoth fliers. It, like all other Archons has a lot of build in rules: It gets an local Signs & Portens on its own attack and damages rolls (Divine Inspiration); It cannot be knocked down or made blind (Divine Manifestation); It gets angry if friendly warrior is killed within 10" (+2 STR and ARM for one round), and it gets Vengeance; and it has Ashen Veil. There are more rules, but none really relevant here. The two weapons are reach 2" P+S 15 and Dispel, and 2" reach P+S 13 Thresher and Grievous Wounds. All in all it is kind of dangerous.
This is a tweaked version of Harby and her Faithful Masses, which Vlad has faced quite a few times. He is not super worried, despite heavy odds.
We are playing the 2019 Steamroller Anarchy. Harbinger chose the Stockpile objective (remove d3 point of damage within 4"), Vlad remembered to pick Observatory (one friendly model gets Eyeless Sight within 4") to counter the singing boys. Harbinger won the dice-off and opted to go first. Vlad likes water.
Harbinger deploys in the middle where the massive areas can cover most of the field. She stock up with two units of shield guards (Initiates). To the right goes the Judicator along with all the choir boys and the book. A Champion on each flank. The Avatar goes on the right along with a unit of shield guards, and both Archons go on the other flank. Not many surprises here; perhaps only that both Archons go on the same flank.
Harbinger deploys in the middle where the massive areas can cover most of the field. She stock up with two units of shield guards (Initiates). To the right goes the Judicator along with all the choir boys and the book. A Champion on each flank. The Avatar goes on the right along with a unit of shield guards, and both Archons go on the other flank. Not many surprises here; perhaps only that both Archons go on the same flank.
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End of deployment |
If Harbinger was unsurprising, Vlad is down right boring. He deploys in the standard formation with a Gun Carriage on each flank, followed by a unit of Rifle Corps. Everything else go in the middle. One of these days I will try another deployment with both Gun Carriages on the same flank. The picture above shows the end of deployment.
Round 1
The round where nothing happens, or is it...
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End of turn 1 |
Harbinger is all about forcing the masses forward at full speed. This is unusual. She tends to be more cautious. Nevertheless, Everything moves a top speed. On the right flank, the three shield guards and the munk hides behind the wall. The Choir stays a little back and sings Passage to the 'jacks. Well that was it! She clearly has a need for speed. The picture above shows the result of the hasty advance.
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End of round 1 |
This is fun. It is normally red ones that go faster. Vlad likes people (here used in its absolutely widest definition) coming to him and his Winter Guards. To be within firing range is lovely. Vlad starts by moving into his Shifting Stance, behind the objective. He then casts Signs & Portens and Wind Wall. He is now a happy camper (well, not really, as casting both spells leaves him nothing to camp).
Off goes the two Gun Carriages. On the right flank, the carriage moves forward and shoots at they guys behind the wall. There really isn't a chance to hit. But it can lay down rough terrain, and the Protectorate is normally quite bad at Pathfinder. Two AOEs are put down and it repositions back. The twin on the left flank basically does the same. Except that it actually manages to hit the Champion. Joe tells a story about the Motherland, and combined with S&P, the rifle corps on the right manage to put three rockets into the shield guards and kill one of them. Everybody else moves forward, with the leftmost Rifle Corps moving to hinder flying stuff to get too close to the two Marauders. The picture above shows the end of the first round.
Off goes the two Gun Carriages. On the right flank, the carriage moves forward and shoots at they guys behind the wall. There really isn't a chance to hit. But it can lay down rough terrain, and the Protectorate is normally quite bad at Pathfinder. Two AOEs are put down and it repositions back. The twin on the left flank basically does the same. Except that it actually manages to hit the Champion. Joe tells a story about the Motherland, and combined with S&P, the rifle corps on the right manage to put three rockets into the shield guards and kill one of them. Everybody else moves forward, with the leftmost Rifle Corps moving to hinder flying stuff to get too close to the two Marauders. The picture above shows the end of the first round.
Round 2
This is usually where something hits the fan. Let's just hope it is religious fanatics. It turns out that Harby's fast and furious first round has been swapped for a much slower second round.
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End of turn 1 |
Initially, the Avatar does it super-power-up and receives three focus. Harby doesn't do a lot. She does a Cygnar-advance and moves in behind the Judicator, where she fires off Crusader's Call and Guided Hand on the Judicator.
On the left flank, the two fliers are a bit nervous and shuffles around, not wanting to get within range of the Gun Carriage. The Initiates also shuffles a bit to the left to cover for the Archons. The Muck moves forward and does his stance. Finally, the Champion moves in front of the Objective.
The right flank is almost as exciting as the left one. The book moves in front of the flag to be ready to score. The Champion moves closer to the Judicator, and the Avatar mimics a tortoise and moves a bit forward (thinking Pathfinder would be handy).
Finally, in the middle the Judicator does what it enjoys and shoots a lot. It actually manages to take out a single Rocketeer, and the whole Mortar Crew. Oh, and the Initiates moves to the flag to stop the book from being shot off the table. This concludes a rather uneventful turn. The picture above depicts the end of Harby's turn.
On the left flank, the two fliers are a bit nervous and shuffles around, not wanting to get within range of the Gun Carriage. The Initiates also shuffles a bit to the left to cover for the Archons. The Muck moves forward and does his stance. Finally, the Champion moves in front of the Objective.
The right flank is almost as exciting as the left one. The book moves in front of the flag to be ready to score. The Champion moves closer to the Judicator, and the Avatar mimics a tortoise and moves a bit forward (thinking Pathfinder would be handy).
Finally, in the middle the Judicator does what it enjoys and shoots a lot. It actually manages to take out a single Rocketeer, and the whole Mortar Crew. Oh, and the Initiates moves to the flag to stop the book from being shot off the table. This concludes a rather uneventful turn. The picture above depicts the end of Harby's turn.
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End of round 2 |
Harby has just demonstrated how passivity looks. Now Vlad feels the urge to show how it should be done. He keeps all of his focus, activates and does what he do best. Stand behind an objective casting S&P, and Wind Wall. Happy as a litte child at Christmas.
On the right flank, the Gun Carriage charges the Avatar, knocks it down and does some damage. It then proceeds to put Choir Boys out of their misery. The whole unit is now in a better place. Finally, it repositions backwards. The Rifle Corps follow up behind it and shoots rockets at the Avatar, which is fun. Finally, the rightmost Marauder charges the book and removes it.
On the left flank, the Rifle Corps is for some reason in the way of the Gun Carriage. So, they have to move. They move forward and to the right, where the proceed to just shoot at what they can see. There is now room for the Gun Carriage, which moves forward and drops a shell on the Initiates and one on the Champion, and a shot at the Munk. The latter just made the Munk move. It then repositions into the Initiates to engage them and tease the two Archons. The leftmost Marauder follows up behind it, and the Kapitan runs to the flag.
In the middle, the two Field Guns move forward, as does the last Marauder. That is basically it. Not so much killing. Even though taking out the Choir and Book is important. However, the Marauders are now within range of charging the Judicator. Vlad scores one scenario point, leaving the score at 1--0 in his favour. The picture above depicts the end of Vlad's second round.
On the right flank, the Gun Carriage charges the Avatar, knocks it down and does some damage. It then proceeds to put Choir Boys out of their misery. The whole unit is now in a better place. Finally, it repositions backwards. The Rifle Corps follow up behind it and shoots rockets at the Avatar, which is fun. Finally, the rightmost Marauder charges the book and removes it.
On the left flank, the Rifle Corps is for some reason in the way of the Gun Carriage. So, they have to move. They move forward and to the right, where the proceed to just shoot at what they can see. There is now room for the Gun Carriage, which moves forward and drops a shell on the Initiates and one on the Champion, and a shot at the Munk. The latter just made the Munk move. It then repositions into the Initiates to engage them and tease the two Archons. The leftmost Marauder follows up behind it, and the Kapitan runs to the flag.
In the middle, the two Field Guns move forward, as does the last Marauder. That is basically it. Not so much killing. Even though taking out the Choir and Book is important. However, the Marauders are now within range of charging the Judicator. Vlad scores one scenario point, leaving the score at 1--0 in his favour. The picture above depicts the end of Vlad's second round.
Round 3
Now even the slow and cautions Harby should be able to reach Vlad's lines. Let's see it Vlad has over extended.
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End of turn 1 |
So, apparently Harby doesn't really like Marauders and Gun Carriages. She assign a bit of focus to the Judicator. The central Champion now charges the middle Marauder. Presumedly to be annoying and in the way. It also does a bit of damage. The second Champion can now occupy the empty slot in front of the flag; which it does my charging the Marauder.
The Judicator can noe proceed to move forward and smash away at the Marauder and the Gun Carriage. Something which removes the Marauder and leaves the Gun Carriage in a sorry state. This state is quickly changed into a non-state by the Avatar killing it. Finally, the two remaining Initiates moves in front of the Avatar to block paths to it.
Now Harby can move a bit forward into the forrest and feat. The middle unit of Initiates move to her side to protect her agains shooting.
On the right flank, the two Archons have finally found their guts and moves in to hammer away at the Gun Carriage. They manage to dent to pretty good. But it is still hanging around. Also after the Initiates have a go at it. This annoys Harby. But, I think (without having done the math) that the odds were on my side. Finally, the Munk moves forward to contest the flag.
Harby scores one point, and Vlad scores nothing. This leaves the score at 1-1. The picture above shows the end of Harby's turn.
The Judicator can noe proceed to move forward and smash away at the Marauder and the Gun Carriage. Something which removes the Marauder and leaves the Gun Carriage in a sorry state. This state is quickly changed into a non-state by the Avatar killing it. Finally, the two remaining Initiates moves in front of the Avatar to block paths to it.
Now Harby can move a bit forward into the forrest and feat. The middle unit of Initiates move to her side to protect her agains shooting.
On the right flank, the two Archons have finally found their guts and moves in to hammer away at the Gun Carriage. They manage to dent to pretty good. But it is still hanging around. Also after the Initiates have a go at it. This annoys Harby. But, I think (without having done the math) that the odds were on my side. Finally, the Munk moves forward to contest the flag.
Harby scores one point, and Vlad scores nothing. This leaves the score at 1-1. The picture above shows the end of Harby's turn.
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End of round 3, end of game |
Red ones go faster! The Marauder currently being engaged by the Champion can reach Harby under feat and Boundless Charge. So, Vlad fills it up, and drops a focus on the other Marauder. He then activates. He casts Boundless Charge on the rightmost Marauder, moves a bit to the left and casts Boundless Charge on the leftmost Marauder. This leaves him naked. But, hey! If Harby doesn't die...
Joe starts by saying For the Motherland to the rightmost Rifle Corps, and finally moves out of the water. They start shooting away at the Champion at the flag, which for the most part damages the Initiates. The rightmost Rifle Corps moves a bit to the right and follow suit. They manage to remove the horse.
The rightmost Field Gun moves out of the Champions range to get a shot at it. The free strike is move to one of the grunts. It fires at the Champion but misses. The other Field Gun also fires, and also misses. Sometimes I really miss S&P.
Vlad could do with the points, so the right most Marauder charges, and kills the objective. It is now time for the assassin run. The Marauder must accept two free strikes from both Champions. It should be within the safety margins, but you never know. It charges, and correctly survives the two free strikes. It arrives at Harby fully loaded. Harby is sad.
Vlad manages to score an extra point for the objective. Harby scores nothing. This leaves the scenario score at 2-1 in Vlad's favour as Harby is is being pistoned to death. The picture above shows the end of the third round, the game, and the latest in dead Protectorate motif.
Joe starts by saying For the Motherland to the rightmost Rifle Corps, and finally moves out of the water. They start shooting away at the Champion at the flag, which for the most part damages the Initiates. The rightmost Rifle Corps moves a bit to the right and follow suit. They manage to remove the horse.
The rightmost Field Gun moves out of the Champions range to get a shot at it. The free strike is move to one of the grunts. It fires at the Champion but misses. The other Field Gun also fires, and also misses. Sometimes I really miss S&P.
Vlad could do with the points, so the right most Marauder charges, and kills the objective. It is now time for the assassin run. The Marauder must accept two free strikes from both Champions. It should be within the safety margins, but you never know. It charges, and correctly survives the two free strikes. It arrives at Harby fully loaded. Harby is sad.
Vlad manages to score an extra point for the objective. Harby scores nothing. This leaves the scenario score at 2-1 in Vlad's favour as Harby is is being pistoned to death. The picture above shows the end of the third round, the game, and the latest in dead Protectorate motif.
Final thoughts
Harby really doesn't like Vlad and his marvellous Winter Guards. She tends to die to the surprisingly long charge range of the 'jacks. When she has the Judicator, she has to figure out how to stay of out range, and also keep the Judicator out of range of the Marauders.
Despite having a bit of trouble on the right flank, and good attempts to hinder Vlad's Marauders by engaging them, I think that Vlad was in control for most of the match. If Harby hadn't move forward, The Marauders could probably taken out the Judicator instead. Albeit, requiring some fancy movement.
All in all. the game went, more or less as expected.
Despite having a bit of trouble on the right flank, and good attempts to hinder Vlad's Marauders by engaging them, I think that Vlad was in control for most of the match. If Harby hadn't move forward, The Marauders could probably taken out the Judicator instead. Albeit, requiring some fancy movement.
All in all. the game went, more or less as expected.
Until next time.
For the Motherland!
For the Motherland!
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