Some of the heroes of Umbrey are finally realised the errors in going south and joining the emerging cult. They have returned under the banners of the Tzepesci family to fight off the infernal threat. The Great Prince of Umbrey is the natural choice to lead the cavalry of the old faith. Warriors of the Old Faith demonstrates that Khador lists are not slow and lumbering. Charge of the horse lords for country, empress and the old faith!
Warriors of the Old Faith is one of the Oblivion cross-faction themes. There is only one proper Khador 'caster. The other ones are all Protectorate 'casters. So, clearly running this theme points directly at the third incarnation of Vlad: Vladimir Tzepesci the Great Prince of Umbrey. This is probably the fastes Khador list one can make with plenty of cavalry.
Theme —Warriors of the Old Faith
Warriors of the Old Faith is an almost pure cavalry theme. The natural home of Vlad3; perhaps the only home. It allows Vlad to run all sorts of Protectorate models, who are both Khador and Protectorate models in this theme. It also gives cavalry models Line Breaker, which gives an additional die on Impact Attacks (so three die on both impact and charge attacks for cavalry models). Finally, a reroll is allowed for the starting roll. This is good, as Vlad almost always wants to go first.
My version of this theme is as follow:
[Theme] Warriors of the Old Faith
[Vladimir 3] Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey [+27]
- Judicator [35]
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon [0(6)]
Menite Archon [8]
Menite Archon [8]
Uhlan Kovnik Markov [7]
Vassal Mechanik [0(1)]
Vassal Mechanik [0(1)]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Exemplar Vengers (max) [20]
Iron Fang Uhlans (max) [20]
Also at conflict chamber.
In the text below, I'll go through the different models making up my Warriors of the Old Faith list, as well as some rationale to the composition of the list.
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Vlad, the man himself |
Vlad3 is in many ways a well rounded 'caster, without being super fantastic to one of the things he do. He is fast and has a 3" Reposition (he is on a horse). He can also gain Pathfinder when charging. When he gets into it and have to beat stuff up on his own, Blood-Quenched give him an extra STR and ARM for enemy destroyed (which have an interesting, yet situational interaction with his spell Flashing Blade). He also gets Pathfinder on the charge thanks to Relentless Charge. This is handy, as this list doesn't really have a way of handing out Pathfinder.
Despite appearing as if he wants to get into the middle of the melee, he is, however deceptively brittle. At DEF 15, ARM 17 and 18 boxes, he will die to somebody making an effort. Something like an enemy 'jack, 'caster, stuff shooting at him or Weapon Master infantry (if they can catch him).
His feat, Charge of the Horse Lords, is the epitome of his hit and run approach to battle. It allows Warjacks and Cavalry to move 2" if their initial attack hits (side step), and make a full advance and the end of activation, if they manage to kill something. Side step is clearly super with models with more than one attack. Yet, it is also interesting with the two possible (heavy) cavalry units he can bring to the table (Iron Fang Uhlans and Exemplar Vengers).
Vlad brings six spells to the table: Dash for extra movement, Flashing Blades for more attacks, Hand of Fate the discount version of the signature spell Signs & Portens. Infernal Machine for faster 'jacks, Razor Wind his single damage spell, and Wind Wall to keep him safe from shooting.
Even with 7 focus, Vlad tends to be a bit strapped for focus. In a perfect world, he would like to upkeep both Infernal. Machine and Hand of Fate, and he will probably be casting Dash every round. This is already four focus, leaving him with only enough to either cast Wind Wall or fuel a 'jack. This leaves him naked and not really good for either attacking or defending himself. Also, Vlad often likes to go first (at least before the cavalry) for using Dash.
When not casting or upkeeping too many spells, he actually do have an assassination potential. Under normal circumstances he can charge 12". To gain both impact attacks and both hand-weapons, this is a far as he can go. There are of course options under his feat (an extra 2" via side step) and Dash for an extra inch. All in all, this allows Vlad to poke stuff with his spear 16" away (with Pathfinder). He can arrive at 16" with five focus, which is not too shabby. Unfortunately, his spear is only a POW 12 weapon, so any options for using Blood-Quenched on the way will be highly appreciated (see Flashing Blades below).
Dash is the spell that makes the army even faster. It adds +1 SPD to friendly faction warriors models within 14". In this army the most important models affected are obviously Vlad himself, giving him SPD 9; all the cavalry, giving them SPD 9; and also the Archons, giving them SPD 7. This means that all cavalry can tie up stuff 18.5 to 20 inches away, and can charge stuff 14" away. Also, the Archons becomes highly mobile with flight. Dash will probably go up every round. Dash also have a very nice interaction with Vlad's feat. More on this later. Finally, it also gives Parry!
Flashing Blades
Flashing Blades is also known from Butcher3. When casting, Vlad makes one basic attack against each enemy model in range. This is always handy. Yet, the spell has a very nice interaction with the ability Blood Quenched; in particular when Vlad is on an assassination run. When Vlad charges, let's say a 'caster, he can pump up the charge attack by casting Flashing Blade between ending his charge move and carrying out his charge attack. He will receive a +1 to STR and ARM for each enemy model destroyed. Unfortunately, his two weapons are not the most potent ones. You can pick either a range 2" P+S 12, or a range 1" P+S 13 (Chain Weapon). Nevertheless, pumping up before using his spear for a charge attack will make it P+S 14, plus any number of models killed on the way in.
Hand of Fate
This is Vlad's signature spell. Poor mans version of Signs & Portents. It gives a friendly model or unit an extra die on attack and damage rolls. Then discard the lowest. Everybody clearly loves an extra 1.5 on the average two die roll. However, the Judicator really loves it. It already has Reliquary, which is basically them same, yet it stacks. So, using both Hand of Fate and Reliquary add a nice 2.5 on the average two die roll. This is brilliant, in particular for the shooting of the Inaccurate Rocket Pods that only has an effective RAT of 2. This allows a Judicator to actually hit DEF 11 and DEF 15 (if boosting) on average roll.
Infernal Machine
This spell adds love to Vlad's 'jacks, or in this case 'jack. It adds +2 SPD and murderous. The latter adds an additional die to attack rolls against warrior models. I'm not envisioning the Judicator attacking too much warrior models, so it is primarily there for the speed buff; which the Judicator needs to keep up with the fast list.
Razor Wind
Razor Wind is in the standard arsenal for many Khador 'casters. It's just a POW 12 range 10" spell.
Wind Wall
This is Vlad's protection spell against non-magical ranged attacks. It also protects models completely within 3". As a side note it also hinders models from making ranged attacks. In this list this doesn't really matter.
Charge of the Horse Lords — Feat
Vlad's feat is a hit and run feat. Friendly 'jacks and Cavalry models (remember this also applies to Vlad himself) gain Side Step and Sprint. The former allows a model to advance up to 2" if it hits an enemy model with its initials. The latter allows a model to make a full advance at the end of its turn; if it killed a model. As a small note, the Judicator can't Side Step nor Sprint as it is a Colossal.
Combined with Dash, the Feat caters to a beautiful alpha strike. Vengers and Uhlans can charge and hit something 14" away and then, if the target is killed move 11" (SPD 8" + Dash for 1" + Side Step for 2") away; and be ready for the next charge. Away can also go into the enemy's lines, for some weird flipping sides action. Also, remember that Dash gives Parry.
Exemplar Vengers
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Returning Umbrey Vengers |
These are the proud horse lords who followed Menoth, but has finally re-rallied under Tzepesci's banners. Exemplar Vengers are a pretty good heavy cavalry unit. It can be argued that they are flat out better than their Khador counter part, the Uhlans. They come with the classic Reposition 3", which all cavalry has. In addition the also come with Battle Drive, which gives +2 to ARM and STR, as well as Pathfinder for one round, if the unit is damaged by an enemy attack. This bringes them to ARM 20 and P+S 17 on the charge (remember that the Cavalry rule gives them 3 die on charge attack rolls). This is pretty good. Often it is a good idea to bait the opponent to damage one of the models to overcharge to unit. It is an even better idea if the attack does less than 23 points of damage, so the model survives.
This unit also has the strange Lance rule. They are equipped with a Blessed Lance (thus also Magical), which can only be used on the charge. Blessed ignore spells or animi that adds to DEF and/or ARM. So, Vengers really wants to charge and not being tied down in melee. This is why Vlad's combo og Feat and Dash is so cool. Obviously they can also do a POW 12 impact attacks from their mount. Remember that the theme gives them Line Breaker, which is an addition die on attack rolls for impact attacks. This will then hit a DEF 17 on the average.
If they are tied down in melee, they only have a sword. However, compared to the Uhlans' pommel spike, this is a pretty good melee weapon. Vengers are Weapon Masters with this weapon. So, assuming Battle Driven, they are going to hit at P+S 12 on three die (average of 22 point of damage).
Iron Fangs Uhlans
These are the heavy cavalry of Vlad's homelands. Compared to the Vengers they have stayed true to Motherland and tradition. Uhlans are to a large degree similar to the Vengers. Arguably they are worse for the same point cost. However, I'm not completely on that band wagon. I think that each unit fills a slightly different role, and I would not bring neither two units of Vengers, nor two units of Uhlans.
Uhlans also come with the classic Reposition 3". They also have build in Pathfinder on the charge, thanks to Relentless Charge. Having proper horses, and not ponies like the Vengers, they are also Steady. Finally, if base to base with one of their comrades they gain +2 ARM (bringing them up to 19). In today's meta, ARM 19 is still on the low side, despite having 5 boxes.
This unit also has the strange Lance rule. On the charge, they hit at P+S 16 (average 26 points on damage). Remember that both their impact attack rolls and charge attack rolls are on 3 die (thanks to Line Breaker and Cavalry, respectively). In addition to obviously hitting better on 3 die, there is also an extra bonus, since both impact and the lance have Critical Knockdown. On 3 die, the chance of a critical is around 44%, which is pretty good (ignoring rolls that will not hit the target).
As with the Vengers, Uhlans really don't like being caught in melee. They only have their Pommel Spike, which is just a pathetic P+S 10. You are actually better off using the mount as a melee weapon. That is POW 12 and the critical knockdown. However, it is only range 0.5" compared to 1".
Finally, it is worth remembering that this list also includes Uhlan Kovnik Markov. He grants Tactician to Uhlans when within 10" of him. Being able to ignore fellow Uhlans for LOS and move through them makes life so much easier. Make sure to plan accordingly.
I think that Vengers and Uhlans fill two slightly different roles. They are equally adapt at removing models that they can kill in a charge attack. Yet, when charging more robust models, Uhlans are to be preferred as they have a reasonable chance of knocking them down.
Choir of Menoth
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The Choir singing their praise to the Empress |
As a side note, they are also pretty good at scoring zones since there are only four of them and the other two units are often preoccupied with charging something.
Vassal of Menoth
Vlad is often strapped for focus. Luckily, there is a solution to this. The Protectorate of Menoth has learned from our simple and elegant solution to traitors to the Motherland. In this case, it is people showing sorcerous abilities who are chained and masked, thereby resembling our Doom Reavers.
Contrary to the Doom Reavers who are homicidal maniacs, the Vassals are sorcerous maniacs. They offer Empower which gives a focus to the Judicator. On the rare occasion that they are not empowering, they can also do an Arcane Bolt for a POW 11 blast 12" away.
Having two in this list is the optimal. Combined with Power Up the Judicator can be fully loaded without Vlad spending a single focus. As a bonus they are free in this theme. However, they are also a favourite target for long range shooters, ambushers or similar, as loosing them quickly puts strains on Vlad. So protect them. Being base to base with the Judicator does a little towards this as their DEF and ARM goes to 14. Not impressive, but every little thing helps.
Vassal Mechanik
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Mechanics |
They are solos and at 1 point a head they are a bargain (they are actually for free here). They are slightly more expensive than our own Battle Mechaniks. However, they are also slightly better at repairing stuff, d3+1 compared to d3; and you can have them in any number between 1 and 3. I never leave home without two.
They are also a favourite target for shooting and ambushing so try to keep them safe. They are also good for scoring or contesting. Just run them and annoy your opponent.
Menite Archon
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One of the burning Archons |
On the active side of build in abilities it has build in Hand of Fate (Divine Inspiration), allowing it to hit DEF 16 on the average. Archons are on the average also quite annoyed with the world, so Righteous Fury gives it +2 STR and ARM (11 and 21, respectively) if a friendly warrior model is killed within 10". So, keep it within 10" from the charging cavalry. There might even be argument of keeping it within 5", as it also has Swift Vengeance, which gives it the 3" move and basic attack during the Maintenance phase.
Finally, Menite Archons can also fuel flames. If a model (friend or foe!) suffers fire damage within 5", add 2 to the die roll. This interacts very nicely with the Judicator's flame thrower, bringing up to POW 14 is the archon is close. Strangely, despite doing Continuous Fire, neither of the archon's weapons actually has damage type: fire. So, no +2 for itself.
However, the two weapons carried by the archon can still do some work. It has a 2" sword, which in addition to being P+S 15 also dispels spells and animi. This is on hit, so any ARM buffs will have expired when damage is rolled. The second weapon is a huge flail. It is a 2" Chain Weapon (ignoring shields and Shield Wall) at P+S 13". Even more likeable it denies Tough and can do Thresher.
The archon is highly mobile, in particular under Dash, making it SPD 7 and Parry; enabling it to go most places. This could for an example be near something the Judicator wish to spray. Also, being imune to fire it doesn't matter if it gets caught in the spray.
Uhlan Kovnik Markov
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Dorek "Stalin" Markov |
One of the main reasons to pick him is Tactician. It allows Iron Fangs to ignore each other for LOS and move through each other. This does obviously also include himself. Having this ability makes managing 6 modes on large bases so much easier.
He has the same Pommel Spike for melee attacks, and the same type of horse. So, as with his brethren it is often better to use the horse, having d3 to hit and an OK potential for knockdown. He also has a lance, which is a slightly better lance. In stead of the normal small powder charge, his actually has a warhead. This allows him to put down a 4" AOE when hitting, which causes a POW 10 blast to everybody in the area except himself. It also causes knockdown on a critical hit. Again, on the charge, a guy on a horse has 3 die on the charge attack roll.
He is a bit expensive at 7 points, and his primary ability is actually giving tactician. So, he should be kept alive for as long as necessary, or at least until he can get a devastating charge off.
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
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The High Paladin |
Despite that he has a role to fill. He is a pretty good Shield Guard, and who doesn't like a shield guard? Keeping him with 3" of Vlad (or something else that for some reason shouldn't be hit by a shot) and making sure that he has the option to go into his Stone-and-Mortar Stance (giving up either movement or combat action) allows him to take a shot at ARM 21. At 8 boxes this makes him pretty survivable.
Having no horse, he can have trouble keeping up. The traditional approach is to have him running in the first turn, and then making his stance for the rest of the game. If he isn't on Shield Guard duty, he also makes a very good flag-camper. He is quite difficult to remove when doing his dance, I mean stance.
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The Judicator in proper colours |
The Judicator is slightly less robust that our own Conquest and Victor. Also, slightly less brutal in melee. It has two fists at P+S 21, normally at 23 when the choir is near and sining Battle (which they should do if it is in melee). However, its main selling point, weapon wise is actually the Flame Throwers. Sprays rule in Warmahordes. The two Flamer Throwers are rand 12" and POW 12. Remember, this is POW 14 is the choir is sining, and POW 16 if an archon is near the targets. That is clearly not too shabby.
It also has two Rocket Pods. at range 14" and POW 14 (16 with the choir) they can do some damage. In addition to the AOE 3" where it hits, a deviation roll is also made for one more AOE 3" at POW 7 (or 9 when listening to the choir). Unfortunately, the Rocket Pods are Inaccurate, which means that it has an effective RAT of only 1. Exactly the same as our own Mortar Crew. However, this is where the trump card comes in: Reliquary is the same effect as Hand of Faith, just with another name. This also means that they stack. So, 4 die rolled, remove the two smallest. The combination of Reliquary and Hand of Faith basically shifts the distribution of die rolls to the right (higher number). The table below describes the average DEF and max DEF the Judicator can hit under the different combinations of the base roll, aiming, boosting and Hand of Faith.
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Average DEF the Judicator can hit (B = base; A = aim; Bo = boost; HoF = Hand of Fate) |
It should be clear that the Judicator really likes Hand of Faith. Yet, it also likes Infernal Machine. In particular the first round, when it really likes the +2 SPD when moving up the board, and perhaps when, and if it needs to charge into melee.
The Judicator is an expensive package. It is 25 points on its own. Yet, it really works marvels when it is combined with the choir, two Vassals, and at least one Mechanik. If paying for everything this package would be a whooping 46 points! Luckily, 7 of these are free in this theme. So, the package only cost 39 points. Make sure they count!
There are two important things to keep an eye out for (well actually three, the last one is getting the Judicator killed. But let's assume we are always looking out for that): the enemy jamming with inexpensive models when the Judicator needs to get into melee; and loosing the support. Should the former happen, it can sometimes be mitigated by the cavalry, as they can charge in and the Reposition sway again, also the Thresher attack from the archon can clean stuff away. Finally, Trampling is always an option, unless the opponent is clever. The latter should be avoided. Always make sure that at least one of the choir boys is kept alive. It is possible to loose one Mechanik before trouble arrives. Loosing the Vassals puts a strain on Vlad's focus.
My Warriors of the Old Faith list
So, that's it. My approach to the Warriors of the Old Faith. It is a pretty strait forward list to play. The tremendous speed should be used for all it is worth. Making good use of the reroll to start, to make sure that Vlad starts is good. The speed of this army can really put a heavy scenario pressure on the opponent. To recap the army is as follows:
[Theme] Warriors of the Old Faith
[Vladimir 3] Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey [+27]
- Judicator [35]
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon [0(6)]
Menite Archon [8]
Menite Archon [8]
Uhlan Kovnik Markov [7]
Vassal Mechanik [0(1)]
Vassal Mechanik [0(1)]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Exemplar Vengers (max) [20]
Iron Fang Uhlans (max) [20]
Also at conflict chamber.
Also, good use of the Feat is important. None of the models really likes being tied down in melee. So, if it is possible to charge under Feat and then sprint away to charge again, you get full value of the army.
The picture below depicts the Empress standard formation 7, which uses the maximum number of auras in the army. This is probably a formation that is only possible in theory, but it is worth keeping the many auras in mind when moving the army around.
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Suggested unpacking to take advantage of all auras |
Assuming you, me dear reader has arrived all they way down here, I hope you have enjoyed these wild speculations. With a bit of luck, battle reports will appear in the foreseeable future.
For the Motherland!
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