I'm have been representing the Motherland at the WTC in Belgium this year. This was a first for me. It is the last time MKIII will be played as MKIV was recently been announced. I brought Old Witch 2 along with her half-naked crazed people in Wolves of Winter and Karchev 2 with all the Warjacks he could find in Jaws of the Wolf. I'm happy with how I performed. I'm excited and I'll be returning in 2023. So, here are some impressions.
It was my first time at WTC and I was obviously going to bring Khador. It is 50 teams from 19 different countries. I expect to meet a whole lot of different armies that I'm not used to seeing, nice people and a lot of playing Warmachine. What more is there to ask for?
My ambitions is, as always to win at least one and not come last.
Obviously, I'm playing Khador. If it is not the last time in MKIII, it is very close. I'm also clearly going to bring K2D2 as he is the current hot stuff (17 lists of Khador running K2D2 and 10 in Cryx, out of 500 lists) in Jaws of the Wolf. K2D2 needed a partner. Who better than The Old Witch 2 (only two lists in Khador and one in Grymkim)? I have always loved the long legged lady. Clearly Zevanna needs some eye candy, so she is accompanied 40 naked buffed up men (well some of the are women, but details) in Wolves of Winter. So, my two lists are:
[Theme] Wolves of Winter [Old Witch 2] Zevanna Agha [+29] - Destroyer [13] - Destroyer [13] - Greylord Adjunct [3] Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [6] Greylord Forge Seer [4] Greylord Forge Seer [4] Koldun Lord [3] Koldun Lord [3] Battle Mechaniks (min) [2] - Battle Mechanik Officer [1] Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10] - Greylord Escort [3] Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10] - Greylord Escort [3] Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10] - Greylord Escort [3] Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10] Greylord Ternion [0(5)] Greylord Ternion [0(5)] Greylord Ternion [0(5)] | [Theme] Jaws of the Wolf [Karchev 2] Malignant Fusion [+27] - Behemoth [20] - Devastator [14] - Juggernaut [13] - Juggernaut [13] - Marauder [11] - Greylord Adjunct [3] Death Archon [9] Greylord Forge Seer [0(4)] Greylord Forge Seer [0(4)] Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff [0(4)] - Rager [9] Battle Mechaniks (min) [2] Kayazy Eliminators [4] Kayazy Eliminators [4] |
I'm not going to run through the two list in many details. Just some rough ideas as to why they are as they are, and why they are together.
Old Witch 2 in Wolves of Winter
I went with Wolves of Winter to counter infantry spam (one should always counter spam with spam - and ham perhaps); also to a certain degree as an anti-shooting list. The combination of Zevanna's Windstorm covering 18" using Vexing Alignment, the two Koldun Lords using Wind Ravager, and all the clouds on Doom Reavers from the Ternions should provide some protection against shooting.
Alexia is there to pick souls and pop three Thrall Warriors in inconvenient places to threaten 'caster or score and contest. The two Destroyers are there to do a bit of heavy lifting and shoot at Objectives and other stuff.
So, the plan is more or less to run the Doom Reavers in two waves. The first (potentially carrying clouds) to jam opponents and just be annoying. The second wave is there to hit back at what ever kills the first wave. Alexia will pick up a few souls and hurl them at something, and the Destroyers will clean up the rest. Solid plan! What can possibly go wrong?
Karchev 2 in Jaws of the Wolf
The opposite to lady long leg and fast half naked people is clearly K2D2 with all the 'jacks. This list is slow, robust and hits hard (though, very few attacks). It does, however have a pretty good feat giving the 'jacks (and K2D2) SPD 8. Along with Sorscha0 this gives a threat range of 14" (SPD 8" + 3" charge + 2" Boundless Charge + 1" Reach).
All 'jacks have Pathfinder (except K2D2), which is nice. The four Eliminators are there to score, contest and just being annoying. The Death Archon give an additional +2 ARM when the opponent is living (a Devastator can go to an effective ARM 29 against melee with a base of 23 + 2 from Locked Horns +2 from Death Ward and + 2 from Mortal Fear. It can also clear out enemy Archons. This is what Khador armour should be.
The plan is, again strait forward: Lumber forward until one can reach the enemy under feat, the feat and bring axe to face. A classic point and click army.
So far, so good. Now on to the six battles.
Round 1 - Retribution of Italy
First up is Retribution. This is not one of my favourites. I really dislike the lawn mover a lot. Goreshade has a very annoying feat. So it's either bad or bad.
[Theme] Defenders of Ios [Issyria 1] Sibyl of Dawn [+29] - Sylys Wyshnalyrr [0] - Hemera [15] - Manticore [14] - Chimera [8] Dawnguard Trident [16] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] House Ellowuyr Warden Executioner [6] House Ellowuyr Warden Executioner [6] Hermit of Henge Hold [0] Ghost Sniper [0] Ghost Sniper [0] House Ellowuyr Wardens (max) [14] - Soulless Escort [1] House Ellowuyr Wardens (max) [14] - Soulless Escort [1] House Vyre [5] | [Theme] Defenders of Ios [Goreshade 4] the Forgiven [+28] - Sylys Wyshnalyrr [0] - Chimera [8] - Harpy [9] - Harpy [9] - Aeternae [16] Hermit of Henge Hold [0] Aelyth Vyr [0] House Ellowuyr Warden Executioner [6] Lys Healer [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Ryssovass Defenders (max) [15] - Soulless Escort [1] Ryssovass Defenders (max) [15] - Soulless Escort [1] House Ellowuyr Wardens (max) [14] - Soulless Escort [1] |
The scenario is Invasion, which requires a lot of troops. So, I'm dropping Old Witch since there are enough bodies for some of them being frozen whereas I can't really afford the 'jacks in K2D2's list to be frozen. The Wolves also has a lot of could immunity. Finally, the anti-shooting tech can hopefully interfere with the lawn mover.
Issyria floats onto the table along with the lawn mover. My plan is to get up the table fast and press for scenario; whilst getting anti-shooting close enough to be annoying. Then see where it takes us. The picture below depicts the starting situation.
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Retribution in the hands on the Italians |
The plan kind of worked to being with. Enough Doom Reavers to make the Retribution struggle. The anti-shooting kind of worked, however, the Wardens are no picknick. So in the end I'm struggling with time and scenario. I simply have to minimise the damage.
I had my eyes set on the lawn mover and tried to remove it twice, using a Destroyer. Getting rid of that would make my life so much easier. It obviously shoots a lot. Yet, more importantly it takes up a lot of real estate making it next to impossible to get an assassination run on Issyria; which to be honest is my only chance.
The Destroyer tried twice. Fully loaded and charging should at least put a dent in the lawn mover. Our of the six (or perhaps seven, I might not have charged both times) attacks, I manage to hit only twice and put an impressive four points of damage on it. It is base DEF 12 and ARM 20 (perhaps with a bit of modifications). Yet, on the average the Destroyer should have been able to put in around 25 points of damage (assuming the lawn mower was unbuffed). So, four points of damage is slightly below average.
Nevertheless, it was not dice alone that made me loose the game. A better player on the Retribution side also contributed a lot. The picture below depicts the sorry state of the Old Witch when she ran out of time.
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End of the game |
I'm not convinced I could win this. Yet, I still think it was the right drop; unless I had known it would be Issyria, that K2D2 would probably have been better (there is a Marauder to take care of the annoying lawn mower).
Anyway, it was fun playing and I also think my opponent had fun. The game ended on time with a scenario score of 5-2 in the Italian's favour. The rest of the team did no fare a lot better. We lost 2-3 and are a bit shaken going into round 2.
Round 2 - The French Legion
Second round is against the French. I get the foreign legion (of Everblight). Again, I'm not a huge fan of Legion. I do, however, have a history of doing OK against them. The two lists presented to me are:
[Theme] Children of the Dragon [Lylyth 4], Mekanolyth [28] - Azrael [17] - Ravagore [14] - Ravagore [14] - Nephilim Bolt Thrower [9] Yssylla [0] The Forsaken [0] Beast Mistress [2] - Naga Nightlurker [7] - Mekanoshredder [4] Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1] Spell Martyr [1] Spell Martyr [1] Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) [15] Blighted Nyss Archers (max) [13] - Blighted Nyss Archer Officer & Ammo Porter [0] Ice Witches [5] | [Theme] Primal Terrors [Kallus 1], Wrath of Everblight [+30] - Ammok the Truthbearer [0] - Blightbringer [30] Thagrosh Hellborne [0] - Harrier [3] Warmonger War Chief [0] Spell Martyr [1] Spell Martyr [1] Chosen of Everblight (max) [20] Chosen of Everblight (max) [20] Hellmouth [6] Hellmouth [6] Blighted Rotwings (max) [9] Blighted Rotwings (max) [9] |
The scenario is Split Decision, which requires scenario pressure. I'm thinking Old Witch can do this and also deal with Mekanolyth; despite having no idea what she does. I don't think I have anything against Kallus. I can only hope that Doom Reavers can kill enough when the annoying Incubus arrives under feat.
So, again I opt for Old Witch. Obviously, Kallus arrives on the table. The picture below shows the starting position of the battle.
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Legion a la France |
There really isn't a lot to say. Kallus throws everything up the table as fast as possible (going first). Old Witch attempts the same. However, in the second round the same happens and Kallus feats. It is basically game over.
Zevanna looses on scenarion with a score of 6-1 in Kallus' favour. I basically had my rear end, and several other body parts handed to me. I think it is a very well designed army in the way that the models supplement each other well and it is more a less a point a click army: go first, move fast, move again, feat, win on scenario. I'm outmatched.
The rest of the team kept up their approach. Again, we went 2-3 and are now low on morale. There is one more battle left on the first day. On to round 3.
Round 3 - Circle of England
It is only fitting that the island of druids should present a Circle list to me. I like Circle; not that I consistently beat them. But I think I actually got a chance here. As long as I can keep Ghetorix away from anything (or everything) of importance I at least stand a chance. The two lists presented to me were:
[Theme] The Wild Hunt [Wurmwood 1], Tree of Fate [+27] - Cassius the Oathkeeper - Ghetorix [17] - Warpwolf Stalker [15] - Feral Warpwolf [14] - Loki [15] Gallows Grove [0] Gallows Grove [0] Gallows Grove [0] War Wolf [0] War Wolf [0] War Wolf [0] Krueger the Stormseer [0] - Woldwyrd [8] Blackclad Wayfarer [3] Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3] Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5] Death Wolves [9] Shifting Stones [3] Shifting Stones [3] Wolves of Orboros (min) [7] | The Wild Hunt [Kromac 1], the Ravenous [28] - Druid Wilder [3] - Ghetorix [17] - Loki [15] - Warpwolf Stalker [15] - Feral Warpwolf [14] Well of Orboros [10] Krueger the Stormseer [0] - Woldwyrd [8] Chuck Dogwood [0] Lord of the Feast [0] Blackclad Wayfarer [3] Wolves of Orboros (min) [7] Shifting Stones [3] Farrow Valkyries [8] |
The scenario is Recon II, which only requires 'jacks and solos. Also, Wurmwood's feat will shut down most of the Doom Reavers (except when charging, but we can't see though the forest); whereas all K2D2's 'jacks have Pathfinder and can trample far under feat. Kromac is 'beast heavy. So, there really isn't a choice. It is K2D2 all the way. The picture below shows the situation after the first round (I forgot to take a picture to begin with).
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Druids of the islands about to kick Khadorian ass |
I just follow the plan. Lumber forward until I get into range. Clearly it is not an intricate plan. So, my opponent can probably figure it out. Luckily, it is a K2D2 friendly scenario. There is no way of winning on scenario without engaging the enemy.
K2D2 keeps himself and his 'jacks out of Ghetorix' threat range. He can easily kill a heavy without breaking sweat.
The right flank is most of the time pretty uninteresting. One of the Juggernauts, a unit of Eliminators and a bit of support from the Devastator fight it out with the Death Wolves, Wolves of Orboros and the Boil Master.
All the action is on the left flank. Wurmwood and his pet, along with most of the rest of the army put pressure here. The battle waves back and forth. Loki tries to pick a hole in K2D2's line, so K2D2 has to kill him.
Near the end, K2D2 and most of the army ends up at the top left corner and does a serious threat to Wurmwood. Unfortunately all the lumbering means that I run out of time. K2D2 looses at a scenario score of 7-5 in the druids favour.
This was a very fun game. I'm pretty sure that both my opponent and I had a lot of fun. I lost, but if I had been faster I think I might have had a chance. So play faster, but stick to plan. This was the last battle of the first day. I lost all three but had a lot of fun. The whole team did not fair any better. We lost all three matches. It is now time for the bar.
Round 4 - Trolls of Belgium
It is very fitting that we are facing Belgium as the first opponent on day two. We will stand up being helped by the Belgian as we fell down last night by the Belgian (beer).
This time I'm facing Trollbloods. I like them. They are kind of Horde's version of Khador. It turns out that proper Belgic trolls are a good deal more dangerous that the commonly know traditional blue guys from Belgium - the smurfs. I'm presented with two lists: Kolgrima in Storm of the North. I'm assuming that Kolgrima is actually Mémé Schtroumpf (or vice versa); and Madrak 3 in Band of Heroes:
[Theme] Storm of the North [Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28] - Earthborn Dire Troll [12] - Earthborn Dire Troll [12] - Pyre Troll [8] - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)] Boomhowler, the Destroyer [8] Death Archon [9] Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels [0(5)] - Dire Troll Brawler [14] Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(5)] Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [5] - Northkin Elder [3] Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10] Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10] Northkin Fire Eaters [6] Northkin Fire Eaters [6] | Band of Heroes [Madrak 3] Madrak, Great Chieftain [+29] - Earthborn Dire Troll [12] - Pyre Troll [8] - Storm Troll [7] - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)] Fell Caller Hero [0(4)] Fell Caller Hero [0(4)] Horthol, Long Rider Hero [7] Stone Scribe Chronicler [2] Stone Scribe Chronicler [2] Kriel Warriors (min) [7] - Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (3) [6] Trollkin Fennblades (max) [13] - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [4] Trollkin Fennblades (max) [13] - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [4] Trollkin Long Riders (max) [17] |
The scenario is King of Hill. This could potentially be played by both lists. Mémé Smurf is a lot of cold and Madrak is a lot of infantry. So, I think that the cold immunity and number of attacks from the Doom Reavers are the way to go. K2D2 probably can't cut it here.
I forgot to take a picture in the beginning, so it will be by memory. Zevanna deploys in the normal way. All the Doom Reavers up front and the rest in second wave. Kolgrima is slightly to the left and Madrak0 is slightly to the right. Both the Bear Handlers opt for not ambushing.
The Doom Reavers run and jam. Zevanna is actually kind of frisky and actually ends up in the middle zone.
At some point an Earthborn ends up in each of the rectangular zones along with a unit of Bear Handlers. The right zone is also visited by the Brawler. Zevanna counter with a Destroyer on each flank along with what Doom Reavers are left.
At some point when the lines have clashed, Alexia ends up "near" Kolgrima with three souls. She finally does her thing and pops three Thralls near Kolgrima. The picture below depicts how Alexia should be played.
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Alexia finally doing her thing. Kolgrima having visitors in her back |
This marvellous manoeuvre leaves Kolgrima at three boxes and the rightmost Earthborn very damaged. It is now a kill or be killed situation for Kolgirma. She Vanish away and moves to the middle to spray Zevanna away. The picture below shows the situation when Kolgrima does her spray thing.
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End of game |
It is a lost cause for Kolgrima. She did not manage to spray Zevanna of the table. Just to the left of her is a fully functioning Destroyer ready to be fully loaded and pay Mémé a vist. Before that happens the time runs out for the Trolls. Zevanna wins on time with the fantastic scenario score of 0-0.
Once again we both had fun. Actually, I think I played pretty good this time (the nice Belgian beer apparently helped). I think Kolgrima had the terrain against her, or at least got it when exposed to hard scenario pressure from the Doom Reavers.
Finally, a win. Not only for me, but for the team. This time we went 4-1. So we are happy for now. On to the Netherlands.
Round 5 - Cryx of the Netherlands
The fifth round is against the Netherlands. This time I'm presented with Cryx. This is also the player I played a grudge match against Friday evening. That battle was a blast. So, we both know this is going to be fun. I'm presented with the following lists:
[Theme] Scourge of the Broken Coast [Skarre 1] Pirate Queen [+28] - Doctor Stygius [4] - Stalker [8] - Stalker [8] - Stalker [8] - Stalker [8] Axiara Wraithblade [0] Severa Blacktide [0] General Gerlak Slaughterborn [0] Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [4] - Kharybdis [15] Blighted Trollkin Marauders (min) [14] - Jussika Bloodtongue [4] Asphyxious the Sanctified [14] - Inflictor [11] Black Ogrun Ironmongers [5] | [Theme] Black Industries [Witches] Coven of Garlghast [+26] - Egregore - Barathrum [13] - Deathjack [18] - Kharybdis [15] - Deathripper [5] - Deathripper [5] Machine Wraith [2] Pistol Wraith [0] Warwitch Siren [3] Warwitch Siren [3] Asphyxious the Sanctified [14] - Inflictor [11] Mechanithralls (min) [6] - Brute Thrall [0] - Brute Thrall [0] - Brute Thrall [0] Mechanithralls (min) [6] - Brute Thrall [0] - Brute Thrall [0] - Brute Thrall [0] |
The last time he dropped Skarre against K2D2. He lost, but it was close and decided that his Skarre game can play into K2D2. He could trick me and drop Witches, which Zevanna is going to be best into. He could also go for Skarre again and assume that I'll drop K2D2, which is the sensible choice. So, I obviously drop Zevanna to mess with him. It worked. He got a bit confused; and I'm probably in trouble.
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Let the battle commence |
The battle commences. I'm clearly in trouble. Stalkers are so dangerous. They can move, jump and does grievous wounds. Doom Reavers are not to a lot of help here.
As the game progresses, the normal plan of putting pressure kind of works towards denying scenario points. However, they are dying as flies. My opponent is also pretty good a picking out the Escorts. The Trollkin Marauders are also quite Doom Reaver unfriendly. Luckily, the Koldun Lords do deny some of the shooting.
After a few rounds I'm clearly in trouble. On the right flank my zone is occupied by Stalkers and I'm not going to score the flag over there. I might contest with a bit of luck. The middle zone is just there. None of us is going to score there. I can easily score on the left flank on "my flag". The zone is consistently contested by Doom Reavers. The scenario score is at 3-1 on Zevanna's favour.
Kharybdis has also moved up. He is ridiculously dangerous. It is clear that I'm about to loose. After a lot of thinking, complaining about Cryx and trying to teach new swear words to the bystanders I have an initial plan. I can make Kharybdis stationary with the Ternions and try to kill him with everything I have on the left flank. That will not win me the game (Asphyxious is still around and he makes Kharybdis look like a rubber duck). But it will buy me some time to find a rabbit and a hat.
The plan works, except for the latter part of actually killing Kharybdis. He is ARM 23 or something like that; and 30 boxes). I'm in trouble. Skarre activates and removes even more of my dwindling army. To my great luck he forgets to shake Stationary, which means that my Destroyer are left alive. One more turn.
It seems I found a rabbit and a hat. Alexia does her thing (again). Three Thralls with a bit of help takes out the Stalker contesting my right zone. Nothing is contesting my flag so if I run Zevanna to the right zone I'm at 5-1. One more point at I can see the rabbit. There is no way that I can score Skarre's zone, but I might be able to kill the objective.
So, plan: kill Kharybdis to release the Destroyer who most likely will not be worth much if exposed to a free strike. I can then shoot the already damaged Objective and probably kill it. Leave the Greylord Forgeseer who has been hanging around at the flag and run Zevanna. Off we go.
The last remaining Doom Reavers manage to kill Kharybdis. The Destroyer can now move and shoot the objective. I'm ready to party until it leaves the Objective at 3 boxes. I am 3 minuets on the clock...
Lo and behold, there are a unit of Ternions just hanging around doing nothing. They can actually advance and cast Bonds of Woe on the objective. It is a damage roll at minus three, but it is all I got. They over perform and take out the Objective. Zevanna runs to the zone. Less than a minute left on my clock (around five on his), and I'm at 6-1 on scenario, securing a win for the Motherland.
That was a rabbit out of a hat, and the name of the rabbit was Mary. Let us hail it. Fantastic game. We both had a lot of fun and the grudge is still there. So next year there will be revenge. I'm now at 2-3, which is good. The rest of team also did well and we are as a team also at 2-3. On to the final game against Spain.
Round 6 - The Spanish Grymkin
The final round is against Spain and I'm facing Grymkin. I have never played them before. I only know three things about Grymkin: 1) Clockatrice are OP; 2) Zevanna can play them, and 3) they do weird stuff. I'm presented with the following lists:
[Theme] Dark Menagerie The Child [+29] - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts [0] - Cage Rager [13] - Clockatrice [13] - Clockatrice [13] - Clockatrice [13] - Skin & Moans [14] - Skin & Moans [14] - Crabbit [0] - Crabbit [0] Death Knell [11] Gremlin Swarm [0] Gremlin Swarm [0] Defiled Archon [8] Lady Karianna Rose [3] | [Theme] Bump in the Night The King of Nothing [+28] - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts [4] - Clockatrice [13] - Clockatrice [13] - Crabbit [3] - Crabbit [3] - Crabbit [3] Isaiah, Dread Harvester [8] Defiled Archon [8] Defiled Archon [8] Lord Longfellow [0] Malady Man [0] Malady Man [0] Dread Rots (max) [12] Dread Rots (mx) [12] Neigh Slayers [12] - Neigh Slayer War Horse [4] |
I have no idea. I'm pretty sure that Zevanna will be confused and the Doom Reavers are not going to do nothing. If I am to have just a bit of a chance, I'm going for K2D2. The picture below depicts the start of the situation.
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Off to bumping thing in the night |
We are playing Bunkers, which is probably one of the best possible scenarios. It is going to be all about the flags and getting the Devastator to the Grymkin zone to just contest away. That is the plan-ish.
The Grymkin starts out very aggressive, but does a Cygnar-advance when K2D2 et al. moves forward. Most of the time the mostly dance around. I'm actually doing pretty well. We are scoring equally good.
There is a lot of weird stuff going on. All sorts of Abusing (of the 'beasts that is) is going on. The 'beasts have fury and corpses. Arcanas are getting poped and I'm really confused. There is a good way of ending confusion: axe to face.
K2D2 feast and charges a Skin & Moans. That is robust and K2D2 is left naked. Behemoth steps up and removes it. It then damage a Clockatrice a bit until it teleports away. The Marauder charges the Death Knell, whilst toeing the Grymkin zone. It is easy for a Marauder to kill a huge base. The Devastator manage to bulldoze its way to the far side of the opponents zone. Standing right next to the child.
On the right side a Juggernaut charge a Clockatrice, makes it Stationary and hacks away. It turns out that Stationary does not prevent the teleporting thing. Nevertheles, I'm at 4 scenario points and having a perfect Devastator parked in the Child's face. I think the Grymkin is at a kill or be killed situation.
Unfortunately, the Grymkin opt for the kill part. A Skin and Moan hacks away at K2D2 and does a lot of damage. They are really dangerous. However, he survives. Unfortunately, there are two Clockatrice that can spray and hack away. They are also surprisingly dangerous. K2D2 goes down with a scenario score of 5-5.
This was a weird game. Half the time, I had no idea what was going on. So, I think I actually over performed. Being confused most of the time does not make for the most fun game. Luckily, The Spanish guy was a lovely man. It was a very good and fun game.
Apparently, my results are indicative of the team. I enden up going 2-4, which was the same for the team as a whole. Despite one of our players going 6-0.
I'm really impressed if you made it all the way here.
I ended up playing 5 out of 6 games using the Old Witch. I should probably have played K2D2 once more into the Dutch Cryx. Yet, I won the game. So, that is OK.
WTC was fantastic. Lovely people and good games. I'm already committed to next year in Copenhagen. I'm pretty sure there will be at least a grudge match against the Dutch. Bring it on.
This was possible the last time I got to play Mark III. There is a rumour that I might go to one final Mark II tournament where I'll bring Khador. So, perhaps one more report before Mark IV.
I'm so much looking forward to Mark IV. If you want to read about my enthusiasm here.
Until next time.
For the Motherland!
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