Sunday 27 February 2022

Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff (Sorscha3) vs. Kommander Andrei Malakov (Malakov2)

There seems to have been some sort of internal conflict in the Khador army. It is probably due to Malakov being a bit too close to the infernal plague. Sorscha is dispatched to contain any potential uprising. Not only is it a Khador on Khador fight; it is also both Jaws of the Wolf lists. However, they are very different. It is not the best game Sorscha has ever played. Luckily, Malakov is very slow. So he times out, leaving Sorscha victorious.
In the local meta there is a lot of Khador. Not surprisingly as the Empress is the only true leader of Immoren. Currently, Jaws of the Wolf is very popular, and most often with the shiny new Karchev2. However, this time two untraditional versions of Jaws of the Wolf are facing off. Sorscha's experimental "ask two half questions" list (see here for a description of the list) vs. Malakov with trimmings. I am still learning how to pilot this list. So it can go both ways. Luckily, Malakov's pilot is know to die to the clock. So, I might gamble on that. The two lists facing off are: 

Khador [Theme] Jaws of the Wolf [Sorscha 3] Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff [+28] - Devastator [14] - Devastator [14] - Greylord Adjunct [3] Man-O-War Kovnik [3] Man-O-War Demolition Corps (max) [12] - Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich [4] Man-O-War (max) [15] - Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer [3] Kayazy Assassins (max) [13] - Kayazy Assassin Underboss [4] Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)] Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)] Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7] Manhunter [2] Manhunter [2] Yuri the Axe [4] Bulkhead [0(5)] Battle Mechaniks (min) [2] - Battle Mechanik Officer [1] Khador [Theme] Jaws of the Wolf [Malakov 2] Kommander Andrei Malakov [+28] - Behemoth [20] - Kodiak [12] - Greylord Adjunct [3] Greylord Forge Seer [0(4)] Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff [0(4)] - Beast 09 [16] Manhunter [2] Manhunter [2] Thamarite Archon [9] Underboss Vizkoya [0(4)] Widowmaker Marksman [3] Yuri the Axe [4] Kayazy Assassins (max) [13] - Kayazy Assassin Underboss [4] Kayazy Eliminators [4] Kayazy Eliminators [4] Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7]

Initial Thoughts

So, Jaws of the Wolf. I'm guessing that we should be familiar with this now.  Most importantly it gives our 'jacks a much desired Pathfinder. It also allows us to Bring Your Own Forest (BYOF), a 5" AOE that ca be placed anywhere completely within 18" of the back table edge. So, here we will se two BYOFs. 

The opposing list is piloted by Malakov2 who is a bit of an odd (Khador) 'caster. He has recently received a rather cool update in the Quality of Life Update. He has received the spell Discombobulate. When it hits  an enemy unit or model. They spend so much time trying to pronounce Discombobulate that both front and back arc is back arc for one turn. This has quite a few very nice effects. Not only does it remove everything that only works in the front arc (e.g. Shield Wall, Free Strikes and Counter Charge), it also works wonders for things with Backstab. 

Malakov brings a lot of backstabbing. The Kossites have it as a build-in function; the Assassins have as their minifeat, and finally Malakov also has his Battle Plan Throat Cutter, which gives a friendly unit or model Backstab. The only drawback is that he needs to be a bit closer to the front than he would prefer. He can cast Discombobulate 12" (the extra 2" from the Greylord Adjunct), and if he has Tactical Supremacy on himself he can Cygnar Advance 3" away from the front. This will bring him 15" away from revenge, and combined with Sucker to take care of incoming fire, he should be pretty safe.

Clearly Throat Cutter is cool on paper. On Behemoth, as an example, it can lead to a ridiculous amount of damage damage. Any melee attack is Armor-Piercing and can roll 4 dice. That is 14 points of damage on a closed devastator pr. attack. At the end of the day, any application of Discombobulate spells trouble for Sorscha's Shocktroopers. Luckily, not so much for the Devastators as they no longer have shields, just a shell. 

In addition to the mighty Behemoth, Malakov is also brining a Kodiak. This is a very versatile 'jack with a Heavy Boiler (+2" movement when running) that allows it to go places fast (at least Khador-fast); it can also Vent Steam, which centres a 4" AOE cloud on it where living and undead suffers a POW 12 damage roll; finally, it has Chain Attack: Grab and Smash, which allows it to make a head-butt or throw attack if it hits with both its initial attacks (for free). This is a fantastic 'jack, in particular for cleaning out zones. In this match-up all the light infantry really doesn't like POW 12. 

Malakov actually makes his battlegroup somewhat mobile. He can cast and upkeep (for free due to the Greylord Adjunct) Escort, which gives his 'jack a +2" movement. Also, Tactical Supremacy potentially gives a 'jack Reposition [3"]. Finally, his feat Poison Pill allows models in his control to make a full advance is it is damaged by an enemy attack; and doing so with Parry and immunity to Knockdown. 

Since Jaws of the Wolf is a 'jack heavy theme, there is obviously one more. The hyper violent Beast 09 under the control of Sorscha0 (the false one, obviously, as the real Sorscha is on my side of the table). Sorscha is basically Boundless Charge on a stick (+2" movement when the targeted 'jack charges). She can do two in an activation, if she doesn't want to use focus on anything else. She can target any 'jack in the list. This further improves an already deceptively mobile 'jack list. 

Sorscha's pet 'jack, Beast 09 is obviously tagging along his (false) master. Beast 09 is a Juggernaut on steroids. It has one higher MAT (8) and a cooler Ice Axe with which it can do a Thresher attack. It is also Murderous, which gives an additional attack dice against warrior models. He can really kill Shocktroopers, in particular if Malakov have managed to get Discombobulate on them, Oh, and he is Hyper-aggressive, which allows it to advance directly towards an enemy model if it has damaged it. Finally, when he is under Sorscha's control he is also a Shield Guard (to all models, not only Sorscha). As the only model, besides the Greylord Forge Seer, it is immune to cold. 

The units and solos is pretty much standard Jaws of the Wolf: one min unit of ambushing Kossites,  a max unit of Kayazy Assassins with the Underboss, two units of Kayazy Eliminators, and Yuri and his two Manhunters, The "variation" is: a Widomaker Marksman, a Greylord Forge Seer, Underboss Vizkoya, and a Thamarite Archon. 

The Widomaker Marksman is good at taking out solos and other smaller models, as he guarantees 3 points of damage and no tough (at RAT 10 if aiming). With Stealth and Swift Hunter (move 2" if he destroys a model) he is also really good at holding flags and contesting zones.

The Greylord Forge Seer is probably here to fuel the Behemoth. With power-up and the Forge Seer, the Behemoth can fire twice under Powerfull Attack. 

Finally, Underboss Vizkoya is a new addition to the arsenal (he is a Riot Quest model). He is probably there as, primarily a solo hunter. He has Parry to get out of sticky situation, Stealth and is tough. He is equipped with a crowbar and a grapple gun. With dual attack he is probably going to try to shoot something with his gun, then pull the target in (if same size) and then place himself base-to-base with the target. The then crowbar comes into play. Hitting somebody with it is a 3d6 is the target is a character model, as is the damage. So, Yuri, Bulkhead and Sorscha watch out.

I think this is a manageable list. The Behemoth is nasty, even against Assassins with Iron Flesh; Beast 09 is brutal; and the Archon has also improved. However, I have trust in my master plan.


We are playing the Steamroller 2021 scenario Spread the Net. Sorscha picks the objective Cargo Nets and Malakov picks the Observatory. Sorscha wins the dice off and opts to go first.

Sorscha deploys according to Empress' standard deployment 11 (see here for details and tactical discussion). The BYOF (Bring Your Own Forest) goes on the left side with the two Manhunters behind, ready to enter it. Yuri deploys behind the existing forest on the right, also ready to move into it. The Kossites stay at the camp fire. 

End of Deployment

Malakov also has a BYOF, which goes on the right side diagonal to Sorscha's. A unit of Eliminators on each flank, and the advance deployed more or less in the middle. Beast and the Kodiak (today dressed as a Marauder) go to the left. Behemoth and its pet Forge Seer on the right in the shooting part of the deployment along with the Archon. Everything else kind of goes into the middle

The picture above depicts the end of deployment.

Round 1

The famous positioning round. Not a lot is going to happe. Stuff will most likely just move forward at blazing Khador speed. 

End of turn 1

Both the Eliminator units make wide advances on the flanks, attempting to force the opponent to clump together; and staring down their counter parts. The Manhunters and Yuri move into their forests. Besides the rightmost Devastator parking in the zone, everything else basically moves forward. There is no way of staying out of Behemoth's long shooting distance, so the Assassins just have to live with it (they do have Iron Flesh on them, so there is a chance).

The picture above shows how Sorscha unpacks from deployment 11. She spent 7 minutes on the clock, including deploy, which is a bit on the slow side. This could be done better.

End of round 1

Malakov decides to advance more cautiously. On the left flank, the Kodiak parks in the zone, along with the Eliminators. On the right side, the Forge Seer empowers Behemoth, which then fires its guns and take out an Assassin in the middle, and more troublesome an Eliminator on the right. 

That's it. A comparable action packed first round. The picture above shows the result after the dust have settled.   

Round 2

Round two for Sorscha, also know as R2F (Remember to Feat). So far not a lot have happened. However, we are getting closer to axe to face - or in the case of the assassins: small pointy object between ribs.

End of turn 1

On the right, the Eliminators go wide and around the line to be ready to sneak up behind the enemy. The Eliminator on the left moves in to hide behind the BYOF. 

The Assassins do what they are suppose to. They advance as much as possible to tie down the enemy, whilst waiting for the Man-o-Wars to get there. Once they have advanced, Sorscha moves up and feats. She gets five clouds and makes a wall between the Assassins and Man-o-Wars. A few on the Assassins are caught in the cloud. But that doesn't matter as they have activated and won't be damaged. 

The Man-o-Wars move up in tight formation. The rightmost Devastator shuffles forward and the leftmost one just hangs up in the trench. Finally, the Battle Mechanik Officer remembers to move into base contact with Sorscha to give her Girded. 

That is it. Sorscha is ready for Malakov's next move; and a small course in why careful measuring is underrated. The picture above shows the end of Sorscha's turn. Oh yes, I also forgot to call the Kossites. I should have had them coming in on the right flank.

End of round 2

First of all, why careful measuring should be learned and eyeing it is not to be trusted. On the right flank, Sorscha's Eliminators had a brilliant plan of sneaking behind the enemy. This is brilliant, if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't be bothered to measure the distance to Malakov's Eliminators. They were left in walking distance, which means that one of them died. Same problem on the right flank, where Sorscha's Eliminator was hiding behind the forest, which agains was a brilliant plan if she had not been within walking distance of Malakov's Eliminators. I really should remember to position correctly.

More action on the right flank from the Kodiak, which moves up, farts a could (that also kills an Assassin) and then Reposition out of the could again thanks to Tactical Supremacy, which Malakov had cast on it earlier. Vizkoya also moves in and hides behind the cloud.

In the middle the Assassins moves out of the way. One gets killed from a free strike, another one sprints up to tie down the Devastator. Everybody else just make room for the 'jacks. Beast charges forward and kills four Assassins with a swing of its mighty axe. Behemoth and the Archon moves forward, the latter shoots at something in the middle, which leaves a 3" hazard (the green paper circle). Malakov and fake-Sorscha hides out in the back. 

The picture above demonstrates the result of not measuring and forgetting the boys scouts at the camp fire. Scenario score is 1-1 (Sorscha scores a flag, Malakov a zone).

Round 3

I won't say that Sorscha's plan is coming together. Conversely, I wouldn't say it is completely ruined either. So, let's see what happens. 

End of turn 1

Sorscha's feast ends and everybody can see again. This also means that the Kossites finally can be bothered to show up. Something they do on the right flank.

On the left flank, the lonely Eliminator runs away from her two sisters and moves in behind Malakov and fake-Sorscha. On the right flank, the Kossites kills the Forge Seer and the two Eliminators. Spurred on by their success, they also shoot at the Archon. However, that misses and it dodges out of range. Yuri kills the annoying Assassin. 

It is in the middle the party is. The Assassins charges their counter part and takes out a few. This leaves room for the Shocktroopers. They move forward. I'm a bit unsure why they did not charge Beast. In stead they just Shield Wall forward. This leaves room for the Demolition Corps, who charge Vizkoya. The rest just runs forward. In hindsight, Dragos should have activated the mini-feat here. 

Every thing else move forward. The Devastator moves in behind the Demolition Corps to be ready for next round. The Kovnik and Adjunct hang around near Yuri, as they suspect that the opposing Kossites might arrive soon. 

That is basically it. Sorscha is kind of happy. She is a bit worried about Beast. The scenario score is now 3-3. The picture above shows the end of the first turn in round 3.

End of round 3

Malakov is potentially under a bit of pressure. Yet, his 'jacks are still around and at full health. So, everything is on the table still. His Kossites decides to join the battle and arrive at the right flank.

On the left flank, the two Eliminators turn around and moves into the zone. The Kodiak easily kills the two Demo Corps, then farts a could and Reposition out. The Marksman moves in behind the big rock. 

On the right flank, the Archon shoots and kills all the Kossites. Behemoth moves to the right and its guns pounds Sorscha's objective until it evaporates. Finally, the Assassins again contest the rightmost zone. They also try to kill Sorscha's Assassins; luckily without a lot of luck. 

In the middle, Beast is finally on the move. He moves in a thresher away. He only manage to take out one Shocktrooper and one Demo Corps. Sorscha is happy. Fake-Yuri tries to copy the thresher move, without a lot of luck. One of the Manhunters also kills the remaining Eliminator. 

Finally, the Kossites activate and kill the Manhunter and the Kovnik. That was more damaging that expected. It also removes the scoring on the flag. 

Malakov also feats in this turn.

So far, so good. Not as bad as I had feared. However, the scenario score is now 6-3 in Malakov's favour. On the bright side, Malakov only has 2:37 left on the clock, whereas Sorscha has 24:00. The picture above depicts the end of round 3. 

Round 4

With plenty of time left on the clock, Sorscha is to a certain degree in a happy place. She just nees to make sure that she doesn't loose on scenario. If nothing happens in this turn, Malakov will score 3 points and Sorscha none. So, scenario is on the table. 

End of turn 1, end of round 4, end of game

Sorscha allocates the rightmost Devastor fully. She activates and casts Stoke the Fire on the leftmost Devastator. She then moves into the right zone to score. 

On the left side, the Adjunct moves to the flag and sprays the Kossites. Unfortunately, not enough to remove the contesting Kossites. The means that Bulkhead runs over there, if another round happens. 

In the middle, the Assassins runs to the Behemoth and surround it to make sure that it can't get out of the way due to Malakov's feat. The Man-o-Wars move forward. Malakov feated in the last round, so Beast 09 gets out of the way. But it was not possible to kill it. Yet, one swings at Behemoth and chips it. The Devastator runs and toes the zone. 

On the right side, the Devastator can now charge Behemoth. It spends all of its attacks and almost kills it. That would have been nice to kill. Yuri agrees, charges Behemoth and kills it.  

This is the end of the round. It was not as good as I have hoped for. Malakov's feat is pretty good. I also spend a bit too much time. The clock now says 7:20. Luckily, Malakov's clock still only says is even worse. The scenario score is 6-4 in Malakov's favour. 

The clock is flipped and Malakov thinks about it. There really isn't anything to do. Conceivably the Kodiak could throw the Devastator out of the zone, scoring one point. The Kossites can kill the Adjunct and then the Marksman could run to the flag, scoring another point. However, there is no way to score the centre zone. Also, the rightmost Devastator contests the rightmost flag and can't really be removed. Sorscha's zone could be contested. All of this would leave the scenario score at 8-4. As the winning condition is 5 points more than the opponent, Malakov can't win on scenario. 

All in all, Malakov clocks out and looses. The picture above shows the end of Sorscha's turn, which is basically the same as then end of the game. Sorscha wins with a scenario score of 4-6 or 4-8 depending on what happened if we played it out. 

Final thoughts

It was a good and fun game. Yet, in isolation Sorscha is still not completely on top of this list. She probably won this game primarily be the opponent being too slow. I do, however, still think that this list is viable. It just needs more playing. I'm hoping that it is the same case as when I exclusively played Winter Guard Kommand for a year. It took many games before I managed to pilot it respectively. 

Nevertheless, we had fun. 

Until next time. For the Motherland!

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