The religious fanatics from the Protectorate have decided to push the Northern Crusade even further into Khador territory. This time the push is lead by Vindictus and heavy Exemplar infantry; and they are bringing a bloody church! Sorscha is dispatched to hand out the Empress justice to the invaders. This becomes a long meat grinding game of attrition. At the very last moment Sorscha pulls out a win on scenario.
There is generally a lot of Protectorate on the tables near by. Most are the High Reclaimer or the Harbinger, and always with a Judicator. So seeing Vindictus across the tabel is a refreshing change. The last two times I have faced Protectorate have both been with Irusk2 (for battle report against Harbinger, see here; and against the High Reclaimer, see here). I always find Protectorate difficult. In general, they seem to be able to play a Khador-style game, just better than us. Nevertheless, this time I will face them as Khadoran as it get. Running Armored Corps under Sorscha3 (for list description, see here). The two lists facing of are as follows:
Protectorate [Theme] Exemplar Interdiction [Vindictus 1] Vice Scrutator Vindictus [+29] - Dervish [7] - Dervish [7] - Templar [15] - Hierophant [3] Exemplar Bastion Seneschal [0(5)] Exemplar Warder [0(5)] High Exemplar Gravus [8] Choir of Menoth (min) [4] Exemplar Bastions (max) [15] Exemplar Cinerators (max) [13] - Exemplar Cinerator Officer [0(5)] Exemplar Cinerators (max) [13] - Exemplar Cinerator Officer [5] Shrine of the Lawgiver [14] | Khador [Theme] Armored Corps [Sorscha 3] Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff [+28] - Beast 09 [18] - Kodiak [13] Man-O-War Kovnik [4] Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)] Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)] Battle Mechaniks (min) [3] Battle Mechaniks (min) [3] Kommandant Atanas Arconovich & Standard [7] Man-O-War Bombardiers (max) [16] - Man-O-War Bombardier Officer [5] Man-O-War Demolition Corps (max) [14] - Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich [0(6)] Man-O-War Shocktroopers (max) [16] - Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer [4] |
Initial Thoughts
This theme is as often Exemplar Interdiction (post Oblivion). This normally means a lot of Exemplars with Cinerators and Errants. However, this time there are Bastions and lo a behold a Shrine. The benefits offered from the theme are Blessed weapons on the Warjacks and Exemplars are immune to continuous effects. Not a big problem.
Vice Scrutator Vindictus is completely new to me. His build-in abilities seems to favour Holy Zealots. However, he is not brining any this time around (I assume they have all be sacrificed). He does pack a pretty good defensive feat, where his models can't be targeted by charges, slams, enemy spells or non-magical ranged attacks. In addition, he brings five spells to the table: Admonition, which is a good "get away" spell, allowing a 3" move if an enemy ends within 6"; Defender's Ward, which adds +2 to DEF and ARM of a unit (which can bring Cinerators to Shocktrooper-like ARM); Immolation, a POW 12 damage spell; Penitence, where an enemy attacker suffers 1 point of damage if it damages an opponent; and True Path, which gives +2 movement and Pathfinder in Vindictus' control area.
The Scrutator brings three 'jacks and an attachment. The latter is the Hierophant, who extends the range of Vindictus' spells by 2", allows for Harmonious Exaltation (reduce cost of spells cast by 1 focus), and can heal others a bit. The 'jacks are two Dervish and a Templar.
The Templar, is a heavy beat-stick with Shield Guard. One important detail is that it carries a Flail which ignores our glorious Shocktroopers' Shield Wall, and does Beat Back. It is also ARM 21 with 32 boxes. But, all in all not too scary.
The two Dervish are small nimble machines with Side Step and Parry. They can basically surf through light infantry. Luckily, I did not bring any light infantry.
In addition to the Warjacks, Vindictus brought a lot of heavy infantry. Two units of Cinerators and one unit of Bastions. Also the ubiquitous Choir. The latter is, as always there to boost the 'jacks. They can sing their songs to either stop 'jacks from being targeted by spells, or not being targeted by non-magical ranged attacks; neither of which abilities changes a lot here; the last ability, Hymn of Battle gives 'jacks +2 to their damage rolls, which brings the Templar into Juggernaut land, and the Dervis up to P+S 15 – making them pseudo-dangerous for non-Shocktrooper Man-O-Wars.
The two heavy infantry units are difficult to get rid of but not too dangerous as such. What makes them difficult is the risk of loosing an attrition war against them. The Bastions are heavy infantry that hit at P+S 13 and are Weapon Masters (there are so many Weapon Masters in the Protectorate. Haven't they got better things to do that practice?). This puts them into danger area for most Man-O-Wars, in particular on a charge (average damage of 27, easily enough to take our anything but Shocktroopers in Shield Wall and under Iron Flesh). They also have Sanguine Bond, which allows them to spread out damage. The addition of Exampler Bastion Seneschal adds to the attrition benefit as he makes Bastions in his command range remove one point of damage when they activate. Combined with the Shrine of the Lawgiver (yes, they did indeed bring a bloody church), which can return up to three grunts per turn (assuming it has souls) Bastions are difficult to get rid of.
The other two heavy Exemplar units are Cinerators. They are not as robust as the Bastions, although they can go to ARM 21 in Shield Wall. Where the Bastions are steadfast, the Cinerators are deceptively mobile. Despite their Khador standard base speed, they do have Vengeance and High Exemplar Gravus can give them Desperate Pace. In addition, they have a mini-feat giving them Reposition 5". Assuming that Vindictus has True Path up, and Defender's Ward on them, they can move 13" in Shield Wall and be at DEF 13 and ARM 23. They only thing keeping them out of Man-O-War territory is that they only have five boxes each.
To spice up the army Exemplar Bastion Seneschal, Exemplar Warder, High Exemplar Gravus, and the Shrine of the Lawgiver are on the field as well. Exemplar Bastion Seneschal has already been covered, but it is worth noticing that he also gives Tactician to the Exemplars. The Warder is a tremendous robust Shield Guard (he resembles our own Kapitan Sofya Skirova). In addition to the aforementioned abilities of High Exemplar Gravus it is also worth mentioning that he can do stuff with souls (if the Shrine haven't got them). This actually makes him a rather dangerous solo. Finally, the Shrine has quite a few abilities. Perhaps most importantly it can shoot (through clouds) with a POW 14 range 14" ray (boostable), and perhaps even more important if the target is boxed it get to do a range 6" spray from the dead model, also POW 14 (boostable). This can catch all sorts of models who really don't want to be sprayed.
All in all, counting killing power I'm not too worried about this list. However, combined with Protectorate doing attrition better that Khador, there might be trouble.
Vice Scrutator Vindictus is completely new to me. His build-in abilities seems to favour Holy Zealots. However, he is not brining any this time around (I assume they have all be sacrificed). He does pack a pretty good defensive feat, where his models can't be targeted by charges, slams, enemy spells or non-magical ranged attacks. In addition, he brings five spells to the table: Admonition, which is a good "get away" spell, allowing a 3" move if an enemy ends within 6"; Defender's Ward, which adds +2 to DEF and ARM of a unit (which can bring Cinerators to Shocktrooper-like ARM); Immolation, a POW 12 damage spell; Penitence, where an enemy attacker suffers 1 point of damage if it damages an opponent; and True Path, which gives +2 movement and Pathfinder in Vindictus' control area.
The Scrutator brings three 'jacks and an attachment. The latter is the Hierophant, who extends the range of Vindictus' spells by 2", allows for Harmonious Exaltation (reduce cost of spells cast by 1 focus), and can heal others a bit. The 'jacks are two Dervish and a Templar.
The Templar, is a heavy beat-stick with Shield Guard. One important detail is that it carries a Flail which ignores our glorious Shocktroopers' Shield Wall, and does Beat Back. It is also ARM 21 with 32 boxes. But, all in all not too scary.
The two Dervish are small nimble machines with Side Step and Parry. They can basically surf through light infantry. Luckily, I did not bring any light infantry.
In addition to the Warjacks, Vindictus brought a lot of heavy infantry. Two units of Cinerators and one unit of Bastions. Also the ubiquitous Choir. The latter is, as always there to boost the 'jacks. They can sing their songs to either stop 'jacks from being targeted by spells, or not being targeted by non-magical ranged attacks; neither of which abilities changes a lot here; the last ability, Hymn of Battle gives 'jacks +2 to their damage rolls, which brings the Templar into Juggernaut land, and the Dervis up to P+S 15 – making them pseudo-dangerous for non-Shocktrooper Man-O-Wars.
The two heavy infantry units are difficult to get rid of but not too dangerous as such. What makes them difficult is the risk of loosing an attrition war against them. The Bastions are heavy infantry that hit at P+S 13 and are Weapon Masters (there are so many Weapon Masters in the Protectorate. Haven't they got better things to do that practice?). This puts them into danger area for most Man-O-Wars, in particular on a charge (average damage of 27, easily enough to take our anything but Shocktroopers in Shield Wall and under Iron Flesh). They also have Sanguine Bond, which allows them to spread out damage. The addition of Exampler Bastion Seneschal adds to the attrition benefit as he makes Bastions in his command range remove one point of damage when they activate. Combined with the Shrine of the Lawgiver (yes, they did indeed bring a bloody church), which can return up to three grunts per turn (assuming it has souls) Bastions are difficult to get rid of.
The other two heavy Exemplar units are Cinerators. They are not as robust as the Bastions, although they can go to ARM 21 in Shield Wall. Where the Bastions are steadfast, the Cinerators are deceptively mobile. Despite their Khador standard base speed, they do have Vengeance and High Exemplar Gravus can give them Desperate Pace. In addition, they have a mini-feat giving them Reposition 5". Assuming that Vindictus has True Path up, and Defender's Ward on them, they can move 13" in Shield Wall and be at DEF 13 and ARM 23. They only thing keeping them out of Man-O-War territory is that they only have five boxes each.
To spice up the army Exemplar Bastion Seneschal, Exemplar Warder, High Exemplar Gravus, and the Shrine of the Lawgiver are on the field as well. Exemplar Bastion Seneschal has already been covered, but it is worth noticing that he also gives Tactician to the Exemplars. The Warder is a tremendous robust Shield Guard (he resembles our own Kapitan Sofya Skirova). In addition to the aforementioned abilities of High Exemplar Gravus it is also worth mentioning that he can do stuff with souls (if the Shrine haven't got them). This actually makes him a rather dangerous solo. Finally, the Shrine has quite a few abilities. Perhaps most importantly it can shoot (through clouds) with a POW 14 range 14" ray (boostable), and perhaps even more important if the target is boxed it get to do a range 6" spray from the dead model, also POW 14 (boostable). This can catch all sorts of models who really don't want to be sprayed.
All in all, counting killing power I'm not too worried about this list. However, combined with Protectorate doing attrition better that Khador, there might be trouble.
We are playing the Steamroller 2019 scenario King of the Hill and Khador goes first. We both opt for the Stockpile objective (remove d3 point of damage within 4").
King of the Hill gives us two zones for 'jacks at the edge of each flank, and one for troops in the middle. I'm committing the Shocktroopers and the Bombardiers to the middle zone, where the Shocktroopers can advance in their Shield Wall whilst the Bombardiers can lob grenades over their heads. Beast and a Tanker will go on the right flank. The Demolition Crew and the last tanker will go on the left flank and try to use the hut in the middle to hide from the Shrine's shooting. The Kodiak will tag along.
King of the Hill gives us two zones for 'jacks at the edge of each flank, and one for troops in the middle. I'm committing the Shocktroopers and the Bombardiers to the middle zone, where the Shocktroopers can advance in their Shield Wall whilst the Bombardiers can lob grenades over their heads. Beast and a Tanker will go on the right flank. The Demolition Crew and the last tanker will go on the left flank and try to use the hut in the middle to hide from the Shrine's shooting. The Kodiak will tag along.
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End of deployment (after Advanced Moves) |
The Protectorate deploys a unit of Cinerators on each flank along with a Dervish. The Shrine goes smack in the middle, and everything else behind it. The picture above depicts deployment after Advance Modes. Note that the two green blobs near the camera are forests (I forgot).
Round 1
The only way if forward. This is a "race" for the middle between two armies consisting of lumbering heavy infantry.
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End of Khador turn |
In the middle, the Kovnik wanders aimlessly into the invisible forest and uses Desperate Pace on the Shocktroopers, who then advances forward in Shield Wall. The Bombardiers run after. Sorscha casts Stoke the Fires on both 'jacks, moves forward and casts Iron Flesh on the Shocktroopers. All the rest basically goes forward. The picture above shows the situation after Khador have advanced.
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End of Protectorate turn, end of round |
Not surprisingly, each of the Cinerator units and their pet Dervish moves towards each of the rectangular zones, whilst the Bastions moves into the center zone. It seems that the Protectorate are aiming to score at the zone on the left flank as the Templar and Choir are moving in that direction. The remaining models are moving forward in the centre. The picture above depicts the end of round 1.
Round 2
Round one is most often uneventful, so here comes round two. I need to get into the zones, start the attrition, and hope to ride it out. It seems most likely that Khador can score in the right zone, whereas contesting the left zone seems to be the best idea. Who know what will happen in the middle?
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End of Khador turn |
Sorscha upkeeps Iron Flesh and allocates nothing. On the left flank the Demolition Corps moves into position. They need to survive the alpha from the Cinerators. So they mini-feat to spread out the expected damage. Atanas also moves up and gives them Unstoppable Fury for Retaliation Strike. The tanker moves up and puts down Covering Fire in front of them. Finally, one of the Mechaniks units moves up and ready their repair tools. This should be a sufficiently difficult problem for the Cinerators and the Dervish.
The Kovnik continues his stubling through the woods and gives Desperate Pace to the Shocktroopers again. They move forward in Shield Wall, and shoots a bit at the Bastions. The Bombardiers follow suit. So far shooting haven't done a lot. On the right the Tanker moves up sufficiently close to the obstacle and puts down covering fire.
Sorscha move to the right, casts Wind Rush on herself and Stoke the Fires on Beast. She then feats and puts down a a wall of icy clouds to stop too much charging. Finally, Beast runs up into the zone. The picture above shows how the battle er progressing after Sorscha and her army have done their part.
The Kovnik continues his stubling through the woods and gives Desperate Pace to the Shocktroopers again. They move forward in Shield Wall, and shoots a bit at the Bastions. The Bombardiers follow suit. So far shooting haven't done a lot. On the right the Tanker moves up sufficiently close to the obstacle and puts down covering fire.
Sorscha move to the right, casts Wind Rush on herself and Stoke the Fires on Beast. She then feats and puts down a a wall of icy clouds to stop too much charging. Finally, Beast runs up into the zone. The picture above shows how the battle er progressing after Sorscha and her army have done their part.
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End of Protectorate turn, end of round |
Here comes the religious fanatics. On the right flank, the Cinerators are apparently a bit uneasy about the whole covering fire and clouds, so they just move forward into a Shield Wall. The Dervish, on the other hand has to toe the zone and does so. Beast really doesn't like this, counter charges and puts a dent into the Dervish. I think Vindictus might have feated.
On the left flank, the Cinerators go in for what they expect to be the kill. However, the preparations worked. Not a single Demolition guy goes down (everybody are left on five boxes). Some did, however catch fire. Unfortunately, the hitting back was not as efficient as I hoped for. In the centre, the Bastions start swinging and takes down one of the Shocktroopers. All in all, a round favouring Khador. The picture above shows the end of the Empress' round.
On the left flank, the Cinerators go in for what they expect to be the kill. However, the preparations worked. Not a single Demolition guy goes down (everybody are left on five boxes). Some did, however catch fire. Unfortunately, the hitting back was not as efficient as I hoped for. In the centre, the Bastions start swinging and takes down one of the Shocktroopers. All in all, a round favouring Khador. The picture above shows the end of the Empress' round.
Round 3
So far I think the game is going in Sorscha's direction. Now the grinding can begin.
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End of Khador turn |
Sorscha starts by upkeeping Iron Flesh and allocates two focus to Beast. Meanwhile one Demolition guy dies from fire. Finally, the objective removes the little damage that the Dervish did to Beast.
On the left flank it is charge time. Just before Dragos shouts "CHARGE!", the Mechaniks move in and do their repair thing. Thanks to Atanas' Tactician there is more wiggling room for charging. Most get a charge bonus. The Demolition Corps take out all but one of the Cinerators (Shrine and Vengeance will come back to haut them) and together with the Tanker does 12 points of damage to the Objective.
On the right flank, Beast takes out the Dervish with focus to spare. The Tanker moves in between the Cinerators and Beast, just in case. It shoots a bit. The Kodiak also moves up to screen Sorscha.
In the meat grinder the Shocktroopers start hitting the Bastions. The Bastions really prove their worth. The Shocktroopers manage to kill a whooping none. Meanwhile, the Bombardiers shoots at the Cinerators (well aware that it will trigger Vengeance). They are much more successful, leaving only two alive. Finally, the Mechaniks do their thing, Atanas gives Unstoppable Fury to the Shocktroopers, and Sorscha camps focus. The picture above shows the progress of the Empress' might. Scenario score is now 1-0 in Sorscha's favour. This was an expensive round time wise. Khador has only 13 minutes left on the clock.
On the left flank it is charge time. Just before Dragos shouts "CHARGE!", the Mechaniks move in and do their repair thing. Thanks to Atanas' Tactician there is more wiggling room for charging. Most get a charge bonus. The Demolition Corps take out all but one of the Cinerators (Shrine and Vengeance will come back to haut them) and together with the Tanker does 12 points of damage to the Objective.
On the right flank, Beast takes out the Dervish with focus to spare. The Tanker moves in between the Cinerators and Beast, just in case. It shoots a bit. The Kodiak also moves up to screen Sorscha.
In the meat grinder the Shocktroopers start hitting the Bastions. The Bastions really prove their worth. The Shocktroopers manage to kill a whooping none. Meanwhile, the Bombardiers shoots at the Cinerators (well aware that it will trigger Vengeance). They are much more successful, leaving only two alive. Finally, the Mechaniks do their thing, Atanas gives Unstoppable Fury to the Shocktroopers, and Sorscha camps focus. The picture above shows the progress of the Empress' might. Scenario score is now 1-0 in Sorscha's favour. This was an expensive round time wise. Khador has only 13 minutes left on the clock.
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End of Protectorate turn, end of round |
The fanatics are now pissed and want to get even. Not surprisingly the Shrine brings back three Cinerators on my left flank. Together with the Dervish they start hacking away at the Demolition Corps, reducing them to three. On the right flank, the Cinerators take out the Tanker on their Vengeance move and proceeds to charge Beast (whom I forgot to put Stoke the Fire on). It takes more than two Cinerators to take him out. They do, however contest. Finally, in the meat grinder the Cinerators, The Templar, and Gravus takes on the Shocktroopers, and remove all but one. Finally, the Shrine shoots at my objective. The picture above shows the end of round three. Scenario score stays at 1-0 in Sorscha's favour.
Round 4
Attrition takes it toll on the clock. 13 minutes left is less than desirable as it seems that scenario victory is the way to go. I think I'm in control on both flanks. However, the middle is more uncertain.
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End of Khador turn |
Sorscha drops Iron Flesh. She allocates to both 'jacks. Meanwhile yet another Demolition Corps goes down to fire. Finally, the objective removes a bit of damage from Beast.
On the left flank, Vengeance triggers, which makes Cinerators and Objective go down. Mechaniks does their thing. The Demolition Corps take out the remaining Cinerators, but can't kill the Dervish. The Tanker follows up and takes out three quarters of the Choir. Finally, Atanas moves up, just in case.
On the right flank, Beast cleans up, and the Kodiak moves into position to start going behind the enemy lines. Sorscha moves in behind the objective and puts Stoke the Fires on the Kodiak.
In the middle, the grinding continues as the Bombardiers charges in. They manage to dismount Gravus and put even more dents into the Bastions (they are really robust). The Kovnik moves up behind them to be ready to lend a hand. This leaves the scenario score at 3-0 in Sorscha's favour, and not a lot of time left on her clock. The picture above depicts the end of the Khador turn.
On the left flank, Vengeance triggers, which makes Cinerators and Objective go down. Mechaniks does their thing. The Demolition Corps take out the remaining Cinerators, but can't kill the Dervish. The Tanker follows up and takes out three quarters of the Choir. Finally, Atanas moves up, just in case.
On the right flank, Beast cleans up, and the Kodiak moves into position to start going behind the enemy lines. Sorscha moves in behind the objective and puts Stoke the Fires on the Kodiak.
In the middle, the grinding continues as the Bombardiers charges in. They manage to dismount Gravus and put even more dents into the Bastions (they are really robust). The Kovnik moves up behind them to be ready to lend a hand. This leaves the scenario score at 3-0 in Sorscha's favour, and not a lot of time left on her clock. The picture above depicts the end of the Khador turn.
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End of Protectorate turn, end of round |
So, the right flank is lost to the Protectorate. The left is still in play though. The Dervish manage to clean out the remaining Demolition Corps. However, the Mechaniks and the Tanker are still there. In the middle, everything commits. The Bastions, the Templar, and Gravus remove all but one of the Bombardiers. At some point the Kodiak counter charges, which then exposes it to a charge from Seneschal. That was basically it. One more point for Sorscha, leaving the scenario score at 4-0. The picture above shoes the end of round four.
Round 5
Slightly less that two minutes left of the clock, and it is ticking. There is only one thing to do.
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End of Khador turn, end of game |
Warjacks power up. Sorscha does nothing. Everybody activates in sequence and does nothing. One more scenario point for Sorscha, leaving her at 5-0, and 43 seconds left on the clock. She wins the game. The picture above depicts the glorious victory.
Final thoughts
It turns out that the Protectorate does attrition almost as good as Khador; perhaps even better. Exemplar heavy infantry is pretty hard to chew through. They do a lot of armour, spreading damage out, and recursion. The troops are pretty good. I should perhaps have noted what Vindictus did throughout the game. However, I can't remember, so apparently it wasn't a lot. He basically just handed out True Path, which doesn't do a lot once the lines clash; and Defender's Ward, which did a lot. One notable annoyance was the Warder, who is a real pain.
Most important lesson learned is to speed up the game. If Vindictus has managed to kill my objective, I would have lost on time instead of winning on scenario.
Most important lesson learned is to speed up the game. If Vindictus has managed to kill my objective, I would have lost on time instead of winning on scenario.
Until next time.
For the Motherland!
For the Motherland!
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