What better way of warming up to easter than Ossrum and all of his bunnies? Irusk could think of several things. This is a battle uphill from the first second. But following the spirit of exposing Irusk and his Winter Guards to everything and anything, it had to be tried.
General Ossrum and too many bunnies is a huge problem. I have never really cracked the nut. Normally, I would have played my second list, Sorscha3 in Armored Corps into this. However, Ossrum tends to beat this. So, I decided to continue my process of exposing Irusk2 in WGK to everything and anything. So Irusk will try his luck again, using the standard WGK list detailed here. Ossrums's Mercenaries is as follows:
Mercenary Army - 74 / 75 points [Theme] The Irregulars [Ossrum 1] General Ossrum [+28] - Ghordson Driller [10] - Ghordson Driller [10] - Ghordson Driller [10] - Ghordson Driller [10] - Ghordson Driller [10] - Grundback Blaster [6] - Grundback Blaster [6] - Grundback Blaster [6] - Grundback Gunner [6] - Grundback Gunner [6] - Grundback Gunner [6] Eiryss, Angel of Retribution [0(6)] Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [0(6)] Kell Bailoch [0(5)] Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5] Horgenhold Artillery Corps [6] Kayazy Eliminators [5] | Khador Army - 75 / 75 points [Theme] Winter Guard Kommand [Irusk 2] Supreme Kommandant Irusk [+27] - Marauder [11] - Marauder [11] - Marauder [11] - Greylord Adjunct [4] Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [4] Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [3] Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [0(4)] Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [0(4)] Winter Guard Infantry (max) [10] - Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard [4] - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6] Winter Guard Mortar Crew [0(5)] Winter Guard Rifle Corps (max) [13] - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6] Winter Guard Rifle Corps (max) [13] - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6] |
Initial thoughts
Seeing Ossrum and a bunch of Rhulic Drillers and bunnies are never fun. Actually, it is perhaps the matchup I enjoy the least (I find it really boring to play against). I have earlier played Sorscha3 and Armored Corps into this type of list, with no luck. I'm well aware that Irusk and his trusted Winter Guards will have a hard time. Nevertheless, it's worth a try; and, I have a chance of getting a nap, while the opponent plays with himself.
General Ossrum is a good Rhulic 'jack focused support warcaster. Alone, he is not really dangerous. He gives Tactician to all Rhulic models in command. His 'jacks, in his rather large Battle Group benefit from the spell Energizer (2" advance), and Unstoppable Force (giving them Bulldoze). For more general purpose, he brings Snipe (+4" range), Stranglehold (target must forfeit either movement or action), Fire for Effect, and Bullet Dodger (+2 DEF and Dodge). However, it is his feat that really stops the party: Perfect Plan, giving +3 ARM and SPD, and Parthfinder in control range. The theme, the Irregulars, gives three free solos. In this case Eiryss2, Hutchuk, and Kell; and two Advance Moves on heavy warjacks. Ossrum brings a significant number of 'jacks to the party: five Drillers!, three Blasters, and three Gunners.
The Ghordson Driller is in many ways the Rhulic equivalent of our Juggernaut. It has two weapons: a P+S 18 drill (with Sustained Attack), and a P+S 16 fist. It is just a quick as our Juggernaut, has about the same DEF, ARM, and number of boxes. I think it is a bargain at three points less. It should really not be allowed to hit any of Irusk's Maraduers, which might be problematic, as they can achieve a 13" threat range under Energizer and feat.
The Grundback Blaster is the Rhulic spray bunny. It is a small, very cheap spray machine, which makes even Crucible Guards envious. With the build-in ability Powerful Attack, and the free focus from Power UP it hits DEF 16 on the average, and does 20 points of damage under the 8" spray template. This really requires the Winter Guards to toughen up.
Finally, the Gundback Gunner is the sister bunny of the Blaster. It just have a gun instead of a spray. Besides that, it is really cheap and can also do Powerfull Attack, which allows it to hit DEF 16 on the average, for an average of 22 points of damage. So, this is actually the least worrisome of the two.
As if all these 'jacks are not enough, Ossrum also brings two units, and four solos. The two units are the Horgenhold Artillery Corps, the equivalent to our Mortar Crew, just slightly more expensive and better at hitting - luckily the Winter Guards are most likely immune to blast damage; and the treacherous Kayazy Eliminators, whom we all know and love.
The four solos are: Eiryss1, Hutchuk, Kell, and Orin Midwinter. Eiryss1 is always very annoying to see across the table, in particular when she is free. She does Disruption on a stick, has stealth and can stay very far away due to her 3" Reposition; Hutchuk, is the mace wheeling, grenade throwing brute that has a tendency to appear out of nowhere due to Ambush; Kell is the master of picking Winter Guards and solos off from a distance; and Orin doesn't really do much in this context, except for perhaps a Chain Lightning now and again.
General Ossrum is a good Rhulic 'jack focused support warcaster. Alone, he is not really dangerous. He gives Tactician to all Rhulic models in command. His 'jacks, in his rather large Battle Group benefit from the spell Energizer (2" advance), and Unstoppable Force (giving them Bulldoze). For more general purpose, he brings Snipe (+4" range), Stranglehold (target must forfeit either movement or action), Fire for Effect, and Bullet Dodger (+2 DEF and Dodge). However, it is his feat that really stops the party: Perfect Plan, giving +3 ARM and SPD, and Parthfinder in control range. The theme, the Irregulars, gives three free solos. In this case Eiryss2, Hutchuk, and Kell; and two Advance Moves on heavy warjacks. Ossrum brings a significant number of 'jacks to the party: five Drillers!, three Blasters, and three Gunners.
The Ghordson Driller is in many ways the Rhulic equivalent of our Juggernaut. It has two weapons: a P+S 18 drill (with Sustained Attack), and a P+S 16 fist. It is just a quick as our Juggernaut, has about the same DEF, ARM, and number of boxes. I think it is a bargain at three points less. It should really not be allowed to hit any of Irusk's Maraduers, which might be problematic, as they can achieve a 13" threat range under Energizer and feat.
The Grundback Blaster is the Rhulic spray bunny. It is a small, very cheap spray machine, which makes even Crucible Guards envious. With the build-in ability Powerful Attack, and the free focus from Power UP it hits DEF 16 on the average, and does 20 points of damage under the 8" spray template. This really requires the Winter Guards to toughen up.
Finally, the Gundback Gunner is the sister bunny of the Blaster. It just have a gun instead of a spray. Besides that, it is really cheap and can also do Powerfull Attack, which allows it to hit DEF 16 on the average, for an average of 22 points of damage. So, this is actually the least worrisome of the two.
As if all these 'jacks are not enough, Ossrum also brings two units, and four solos. The two units are the Horgenhold Artillery Corps, the equivalent to our Mortar Crew, just slightly more expensive and better at hitting - luckily the Winter Guards are most likely immune to blast damage; and the treacherous Kayazy Eliminators, whom we all know and love.
The four solos are: Eiryss1, Hutchuk, Kell, and Orin Midwinter. Eiryss1 is always very annoying to see across the table, in particular when she is free. She does Disruption on a stick, has stealth and can stay very far away due to her 3" Reposition; Hutchuk, is the mace wheeling, grenade throwing brute that has a tendency to appear out of nowhere due to Ambush; Kell is the master of picking Winter Guards and solos off from a distance; and Orin doesn't really do much in this context, except for perhaps a Chain Lightning now and again.
We are playing The Pit II. Mercenaries goes first. We both opt for the Stockpile objective (remove d3 point of damage within 4").
Ossrum deploys all the Drillers in the middle, hiding himself behind them. Gunners and Blasters go on the flanks. On my left flank the Kayazy lines up. All the rest are in the back somewhere, except for the solos who either Advance Deploy in the middle or waits for an Ambush.
Ossrum deploys all the Drillers in the middle, hiding himself behind them. Gunners and Blasters go on the flanks. On my left flank the Kayazy lines up. All the rest are in the back somewhere, except for the solos who either Advance Deploy in the middle or waits for an Ambush.
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End of deployment |
Irusk deploys in the Empress' standard pattern number one. That is, a Rifle Corps on each flank, the artillery and infantry in the middle along with Irusk, and the triple Marauder in the middle. Irusk is in so much trouble. The picture above shows the deployment post Advance Moves.
Turn 1
Ossrum starts by using Energizer on himself and the rest of the battle group. He also drops Snipe on Kell. making him able to shoot 18". Besides that, everything just moves forward at breath taking Khadoran speed.
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End of turn 1 |
Irusk starts off by casting Fire For Effect on the rightmost Field Gun, he also casts Solid Grund. He then moves into the forest in front of him. As usually, nothing much more happens, except for everything moving forward. The picture above depicts the situation and the end for turn 1.
Turn 2
Here comes the scenario pressure. Ossrum does a combination of 'jack movements and Energizer. I can't really remember the exact order of things, but the consequences are clear. On the right flank, three Rifle Corps are taken out to spraying, yet some survives the appearance of Hutchuk. In the middle, four infantrists are lost to a combination of sprays, shooting, and a single sacrifice. On the left flank, three Rifle Corps are lost to another spray bunny. In addition, the left most Marauder gets Disrupted. There are also Drillers at Iruk's doorstep. It could have bee worse. The picture below shows the situation after Ossrum's round.
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End of round 1, turn 2 |
Irusk upkeeps Fire for Effect on the Field Gun and Solid Ground; ha also casts Battle Lust on the Winter Guard infantry, and the Rifle Corps on the right flank; he then feats and moves out of the forest to "hide" from sprays. I need to clean up and get forward to not loose too fast to scenario. The Field Gun on the right takes a chance, aims, and shoots at Hutchuk. He is DEF 17, so I need 10 to hit on three dice. It hits! Now only only an eight is required to kill him. He dies. The frees up the Rifle Corps so they can charge the two bunnies in the zone, and the rightmost Driller. They hurt the bunnies a bit, but they stay alive. On the left flank the Rifle Corps moves forward and shoot the objective. In the middle, the Disrupted Marauder shuffles left and forward to engage both the bunny and the Driller. It the hits the Driller. The leftmost Field Gun aims and shoots one of the bunnies in the middle zone. This is followed-up by the Mortar who lands a shot on the knocked down bunny. The Winter Guard Infantry then charges the two Drillers and does some damage. Finally, the Adjunct drops a cloud on Irusk.
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End of turn 2 |
So far it could have been worse. I would have like to take out at least on of the Drillers, but unfortunately not. Should I have charge on the right flank? I don't know. I could just have shot at the bunnies, but I did have to get into the zone, so Ossrum can't score. I actually score one point for Ossrum's objective, so scenario score is 1-0 in Irusk's favour. The picture above shows the end of Turn 2.
Turn 3
Ossrum starts by feating and hiding behind a wall of Drillers. On my left flank the two bunnies bulldoze all the Rifle Corps out of the zone, and mange to kill two of them. The Driller swamped with Winter Guards and a Marauder is hurt and only manages to kill a single Rifle Corps. The left flank, on the other hand, is in trouble. The Driller and the Kayazy take out the Marauder, and the Kayazy proceeds to surf through a not insignificant part of the Rifle Corps. They are assisted by the two bunnies, so the Rifle Corps is almost exterminated. Eyriss also manages to Disrupt the middle Marauder. Ossrum now scores one point for the leftmost zone. Scenario score is now 1-1. The picture below depicts the situation at the end of round one.
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End of round 1, turn 3 |
It is time to be creative. Alas, there isn't much to be creative with. Irusk upkeeps Solid Ground. He then remembers his new Adjunct and moves Fire for Effect to the other Field Gun. The Artillery Kapitan uses Artillerist on the Mortar, and Joe seems to have fallen asleep (he is getting older). The Adjunct remembers that he can do Guidance and gives it to the Field Gun on the left. It then proceeds to get into range of Eyriss and shoots at her. Unfortunately, it misses. On the left flank, the Rifle Corps has to get into the zone to avoid more scoring. The same for the right side. The right most Field Gun knocks down the leftmost Driller, and the Mortar follows up. I'm flabbergasted that it isn't dead yet. That's it.
So, more trouble. At least there is no scoring in this round, so scenario score stands at 1-1. The picture above depicts the horrible situation at the end of turn three.
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End of turn 3 |
So, more trouble. At least there is no scoring in this round, so scenario score stands at 1-1. The picture above depicts the horrible situation at the end of turn three.
Turn 4
Ossrum can just clean up now. On the left flank, the Rifle Corps is almost cleaned out (all but one) by the combined forces of two bunnies and the Kayazy. The latter also removes the Field Gun. On the right flank, two other bunnies clean out the remaining Rifle Corps and my objective. The Marauder is also killed by a immortal Driller. Ossrum can now score one point for the objective, and two for the zones; leaving the score at 1-4 in his favour.
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End of turn 4 |
It would be suitable to quote the two first verses of The Doors' "The End". There is nothing left to do. I can't stop him from scoring, I can't really score, and no assassin run is possible.
Final thoughts
This went as expected. Irusk and his Winter Guards is no match for Ossrum in easter mode. Nothing more here to see, move along.
Until next time
For the Motherland!
Until next time
For the Motherland!
I like the clock man, need to get me one.