Sunday, 30 April 2023

Storm Legion vs. Winter Korps core army starters. What are our options?

Finally, the Winter Korps army stater box is available. So is the similar box for the pesky Cygnar. I have had a single game against the swans and have been wondering how to tackle them; given that we both only have the starter army boxes. I'll walk through the different Cygnar models, how we best can get them off the table, and how to survive whilst doing so. This deals only with the two starter armies!

As we probably already know, the Winter Korps core army starter set contains what we need to build a 50 points army, and a bit. I have earlier gone through our options and what I think we could build. Those musings can be found here.

The Cygnar army starter box can also easily build a 50 points army. As with our box there are some options since there are more than 50 points available. Yet, let's stick to 50. The different models and units somehow match each other. See the table below for a summary

Khador Cygnar
Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk Captain Athena di Baro
Dire Wolf Heavy Warjack Courser Light Warjack
Great Bear Heavy Warjack Stryker Heavy Warjack
Winter Korps Infantry Unit Stormblade Legionnaires Unit
Winter Korps Standard Legionnaire Standard Bearers
Winter Korps Attachments N/A
Winter Korps Infantry Unit Stormguard Legionnaires Unit
Winter Korps Standard Legionnaire Standard Bearers
Winter Korps Attachments N/A
Arkanist Unit Arcane Mechaniks Unit
Shock Tropper Gunner Unit Tempest Thunderers Unit
Winter Korps Officer Legionnaire Officer Solo

Based on the models in the two boxes, it is quite clear that Cygnar got the better deal. Yet, it is not in our nature to sit at home pointing out difficulties. It is in our nature to meet the enemy head on, on the battle field. So, lets see how we can properly deal with bad maths, starting with the Cygnar units.

Units and solo

The Cygnar starter army has four different units that somehow should map to ours: Arcane Mechaniks (Arkanist), Stormblade Legionnaires (Winter Korps Infantry), Stormguard Legionnaires (Winter Korps Infantry), and Tempest Thunderers (Shock Tropper Gunners). Lets just do them alphabetically.

Arcane Mechaniks

The Arcane Mechaniks are Cygnar's attempt at making mechanics that not only can repair things but also survive the battle field whilst doing so. They are in heavy armour (ARM 17) with 5 boxes. Like our own Arkanists they can do Arcane Reinforcement and Empower. In addition, they can repair 1d3+1 (unfortunately, we can't. We'll have to wait for the solo). They are also equipped with a RNG 4" POW 10 spray for emergencies (where we can do Razor Wind). They cost the same as our own Arkanists (4 points).

Dealing with them could be by anybody or anything that can consistently hit DEF 12 and do 22 points of damage. However, as they are probably going to stay behind the proper soldier we will just ignore them for now.

Stormblade Legionnaires

The Stromblade is the hardy infantry cleaning company of the new Cygnar Infantry. They carry a sword (RNG 2) and a shield (RNG 1), which along with the build-in Shield Wall makes them ARM 18 and immune to knockdown. They also have Polarity Shield, so they can't be charged. We'll have to shoot them then.

There are 6 of them in a unit, 5 grunts and a Standard, which like ours give +1 to attack rolls and Rise. In addition, a Standard adds +2 to the damage roll if the target is within 5" and not immune to electricity. This means that they will charge with MAT 7, the sword will be 3d6+14 and the Shield will be 2d6+12. Oh, and the sword arcs a POW 10 to nearest model. Obviously, their own immunity to electricity stops arcing to them

The Legionnaire Officer who most likely will be supporting this unit can give them Desperate Pace (+2" movement), which allows them to reach out and poke stuff 16" away (6" move, 3" charge, 2" teleport, 1" base, 2" RNG, and 2" Desperate Pace). This is 3" longer than our Infantry; Precision Strike, which allows them to ignore and move through friendly models within 10"; or Reposition [2"].

This whole package is only 8 points. So, only 1 points more that our equivalent. Adding their Officer brings the whole package to 11 points. The same as the Khador full package! It is quite clear that Cygnar was first in line when Christmas presents were handed out. I mean, same cost as our glorious infantry... Anyway, whining does not become a member of the Winter Koprs. So, how do we best deal with them?

DEF 13 is just on the 50-50 shot for most of our models, which is fine. ARM 18, on the other hand is difficult at best. On paper, our Infantry's rifles should do 18 points of damage on the average; so, they are off the table. The grenades carried by our Porters do 19 points of damage, as does a charge. So, if it is an infantry stand off, grenades or charging it is.

Charging is off the table due to Polarity Shield. So, grenades it is, then. A grenade can find its target 17" away (6" move, 2" *teleport", 1" base, and 8" RNG), which is 2" more that the Legionnaires can achieve. Grenades will arrive at RAT 6, which on average is just the DEF needed and do 19 points of damage, again just what is needed. Unfortunately, a full unit of our Infantry will only kill 2 Legionnaires. So, Infantry is not a good choice.

Our only other unit option is the Shock Trooper Gunners. Their spray is POW 13, which is sufficient. They can spray stuff 18.5" away (5" move, 2" "teleport", 1.5" base, 10" RNG), which is far our of reach of the Legionnaires. They hit at RAT 6, which again is just what is needed to hit DEF 13 on the average. So, our best guess are the Gunners. Although they better roll hot die. There is no way they can survive a charge from 3 or more Legionnaires.

This is going to be so much more fun when the Snipers arrive. Sniper and RNG 14 is just what is needed to get rid of such annoying Cygnar infantry. If, we can just find a way to boost their RAT, which for unknown reasons are only 6.

Stormguard Legionnaires

Where the Stormblade are for infantry clearing, the Stormguard is for 'jack hunting. They have the same base stats (except for only ARM 15). Although, the Stormguard have Set Defence (-2 to charge attack rolls against them) instead of Shield Wall and Polarity Shield; and 'jack Hunter (additional die on damage rolls against 'jacks). On, and Brutal Charge (+2 to charge damage rolls).

Charging a 'jack will give them MAT 7 (assuming Standard) and 4d6+17 (assuming Standard). That is a whopping 31 points of damage on the average — 3 will kill a Khador 'jack! Also, them charging infantry is not so much fun. But, with a POW 13 weapon and Brutal Charge they are going to make black pudding of all of our Infantry.

This whole package of 5 grunts, a Standard and an Officer to keep them motivated is just 12 points. That is only 1 point more that the equivalent Khador package! Christmas did really come early to Cygnar.

Stormguards can actually be charged. So, our valiant infantry stands a chance on paper. The Stormguards are "only" ARM 17 when charged, which is just what we can do on the average. We need to roll 6 to hit and 9 to kill (on 3 die). As with the Stormblades, grenades is also a good idea. Perhaps even better than charging. Thanks to Set Defence, not charging them will leave us at POW 12 versus ARM 15. That is clearly more fun.

A better option here is actually our Shock Trooper Gunners. They ignore Set Defence as there is no charging involved. POW 13 against ARM 15 is so much more fun. They might, however be occupied with the Stormblades.

Tempest Thunderers

Tempest Thunderers are the Cygnar troops that fills the space occupied by our Shock Trooper Gunners. Despite the Thunderers being 10 points and our Shock Troopers only 7 points, In context of Cygnar vs. Khador, I do think that Cygnar got the better deal. They have better armour and can shoot further. We do have a spray, whilst they only have an AOE 2. However, with the same POW, I think I would prefer distance (Cygnar also has access to Snipe, which we don't).

Tempest Thunderers can shoot a stuff 20.5" away (not counting snipe or other types of cheating). The first model can move 5", others can "teleport" 2", they have a 1.5" base, and can shoot 12". So, anything within 20.5" can be subject to a POW 13/8 AOE 2 shot with Critical Knockdown.

They shoot at RAT 6, which means they hit DEF 13 on the average. Our most nimble troops, Winter Korps Infantry are DEF 13. So, they need to roll a 7 to hit. If they hit, Infantry dies. Thus, a unit of Thunderers can potentially, without too much effort take out 6 Infantry men in one round (unless we point Iron Flesh on them). Yes, that is a complete unit. So, we need to shoot first.

The standard composition of a Winter Korps unit is the 3 grunts, a Standard, a Porter and one of the other two attachments. This gives a flexible unit. They can hit a Tempester 18" away (5" move, 2" teleport, 1 " base, 10" RNG). They hit them on a roll of 6, thanks to the Standard.

To insure that a Thunderer dies, we need to inflict 22 points of damage (ARM 17 plus 5 boxes). A Combined Ranged Attack with 4 troopers will do this on the average (RAT 10, POW 15).

The best option is probably one CRA with 3 troopers, one CRA with 2 troopers, and then clean up with an Auto Cannon. However, this will leave only one standing, potentially at full health.

Action Thunderer #1 HP Thunderer #2 HP Thunderer #3 HP
3 trooper CRA 1 (56%) 5 5
2 trooper CRA1 2 (53%) 5
1 Auto Cannon 0 (52%) 2 5
1 Auto Cannon 0 0 (58%) 5
The real probability is in brackets. I have assume the minimal number of attacks for the Auto Cannon. Remember that average is a 50-50 shot.

The only good clean-up option left in the starter box is Ilari. One shot from 'Shadow of Death', which only misses on double ones should, on the average do 23 points of damage if boosted (97% chance of a kill). So, one unit of Winter Guard Infantry supported by Ilari should do the trick - if they get to shoot first!


In the Cygnar box there is a light Warjack and a heavy one. Each obviously comes with the 64 different combinations of arms and heads. I'm not going to go methodically through all 64 different versions, just take a guess on what we might be facing.

Courser — Light Warjack

The Courser is the Light version of the Cygnar 'jacks. It has a base SPD of 6, MAT 6, RAT 7, DEF 13, and ARM 16 (26 boxes). With its base RAT 7 vs. MAT 6, I'm just going to assume that it will be a shooter.

Its heads allows it to Advance Deploy, Dodge, be an Arc Node or a Shield Guard. Except for Dodge, none of these options do a lot with regards to killing it. The left arm 'Electrified Shield' (loose 1 Cortex box when hitting it) and right arm 'Voltaic Spear' (Set Defence) are the two things that affect its kill-ability. Building it for survivability would leave us looking at a DEF 13, ARM 18 (20 on the charge) with Electrified Shield

As we have seen earlier, ARM 18 is not a lot of fun for our Infantry; except the Rocketeers who does a POW 14, 3 die damage roll (average 24 points of damage against ARM 18). We can only have two in one unit. Yet, that is an option.

A more clear option is one of our 'jacks. Given that Electrified Shield is probably going to be a thing, a shooting 'jack is to prefer. A Dire Wolf (DBB) with either a Bombard (POW 14) or Cannon (POW 15), and perhaps a Heavy Chain Gun (POW 13 D3+1 shots) would be an option. Equipped with a Shield Guard Head and the build in Anchor, it could also play bodyguard for a unit or Ilari. Obviously, it would be without melee weapons then. It would do (everything boosted, so it needs to be full): 24 (Bombard), and 2 times 23 points of damage against a Courser, leaving it at 10 boxes. This can be done from 15" away (17" if Superiority is up). As a bonus, it could help its support unit cleaning out Legionnaires

The other options is a Great Bear (xDC) equipped with a Dozer (POW 15, ROF 2, RNG 10), and either a Grinder, if it is supposed to help clearning Legionnaires or Heavy Cannon (POW 16, RNG 15). The head would probably be either Aggressive or Reposition. It would do (everything boosted, so it needs to be full): 2 times 25 (Dozer) and 26 (Heavy Cannon) of damage against a Courser, leaving it at 4 boxes. This can be done from 14" away (16" if Superiority is up).

I think a Dire Wolf (DAB) with Shield Guard, Bombard and a Heavy Chains Gun. It will put a serious dent in a Courser, support an infantry unit with Anchor and Shield Guard.

Stryker — Heavy Warjack

The Stryker is Cygnar's Heavy Warjack. It has a base of SPD of 6, MAT 7, RAT 6, DEF 12 and ARM 18 (30 boxes). Where the light 'jack is the obvious choice for a shooting 'jack, I'll assume that the Stryker is going to be the beat stick. 

The only head that actually does something for its survivability is the Plasma Nimbus, where an attacker will suffers POW 10. The right arm could be a Voltaic Halberd (Set Defence) and the left a Galvanic Shield (Polarity Shield for the cost of 1 focus). Assuming this, it will be an ARM 20 (22 on the charge), which might or might bot be charged. 

Assuming that the Stryker was out of focus so Polarity Field is not up, our main beat stick, a Great Bear (AAA) with a Battle Mace, a Battle Axe, and the Aggressive head will actually kill the Stryker on one round (if it is completely full of focus). To be on the safe side, it would be nice to have Superiority on it.


The 'caster included in the army box is Captain Athena di Baro. She is a DEF 14, ARM 17 (17 boxes) with build in Polarity Shield (so no charging her). She can also bring herself to ARM 19, if base to base with one of her 'jacks.

Her feat 'Weathering the Storm' forces us to roll an additional dice on both attack and damage rolls, discarding the highest! Her two build-in spells doesn't do anything when trying to kill her. I'm on purpose disregarding her Rack Spells, out of laziness.

A direct assassin run is difficult as she can't be charged. However, our Great Bear beat-stick (AAA) can kill her in one go, even if it charges something else (e.g. the 'jack she is hugging). The 'jack needs to be full and preferably under Superiority. Life is more complicated if her Feat is up. Under the drop-the-highest regime all 4 attacks need to hit home to kill her. The Great Bear then needs to walk to her, which means it needs to be within 7". 

It would clearly help if Ilari could put in a few shots before something needs to hit her. He can stay out of her Control range, thus avoiding the Feat. Two shots, with one Flare will help. On the average they would pick 10 boxes of her (boosted). 

Generally, shooting her is a good option. Any shooting assassin runs should start with Ilari using a Flare shot, and hopefully leaving her at around 7 boxes. 7 boxes, ARM 19 and DEF 12 is manageable. If our DAB Dire Wolf is still alive and fully loaded, it can remove the remaining boxes.

Summary and final remarks (whining)

Head to head, not counting players' abilities, fighting a 50 points Cygnar army box is hard work. In the vacuum of the boxes only, it is clear that Cygnar got the long end of the stick. Normally, I would argue that unit-to-unit comparison doesn't make a lot of sense since there are so many combinations of units, solos, 'casters and 'jacks. However, in the vacuum of army boxes I think it does.

The Legionnaires are clearly far better units than our own Infantry. And they are at the same cost. They are fare more survivable and have a far better damage output. They really expose the backside of the Winter Korps Infantry's ability to be jack of all trades, master of none. Our infantry should probably be up to two points cheaper.

One of our infantry actually asked if there is some sort of exchange rate between Cygnar points and Khador points? Estimated it would be roughly 1,5 Cygnar points for 1 Khador point. It would makes sense since the Motherland clearly is so much more worth.

Unless I'm missing something important —which is clearly an option— it is kind of annoying that point misalignment is an issue already with the first army boxes in MK IV. I'm so much fearing looking into the Orgoth box — I'm getting flashbacks to the old battle boxes and how they made a mockery of the poor Trollblods.

Anyway, It is not our nature to sit at home and whine. It is our natur to make a mockery of the enemies of the Motherland. The fact that the exchange rate between army points are not in our favour is good for character building.  

In summary, my best estimate to deal with the Cygnar army box is the following:
  1. A full unit of Winter Korps Infantry with a Standard, a Grenade Porter and an Auto Cannon (7 points).
  2. A full unit of Winter Korps Infantry with a Standard and a Grenade Porter, sprinkle an Auto Cannon or Rocketeer according to preference (7 points).
  3. A unit of Shock Trooper Gunners (7 points).
  4. A Dire Wolf (DAB) (13 points).
  5. A Great Wolf (AAA) (14 points).
  6. Arkanists ( 4 points)
  7. Winter Korps Officer (3 points)
  8. Ilari
This gives us more that 50 points. I think it is best to drop the Shock Troopers for now. This wil give us the following army:

Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk
 - SPELL - Superiority
 - SPELL - Fog of War

 - Dire Wolf [13]
  - HEAD - Shield Guard [1]
  - RIGHT ARM - Bombard [6]
  - LEFT ARM - Heavy Chain Gun [6]

 - Great Bear [14]
  - HEAD - Aggressive [2]
  - RIGHT ARM - Battle Mace [7]
  - LEFT ARM - Battle Axe [5]

 Winter Korps Officer [3]

 Arkanists [4]

 Winter Korps Infantry [7]
 - Winter Korps Standard [1]

 Winter Korps Infantry [7]
 - Winter Korps Standard [1]

 Command Cards
 - Old Faithful [0]
 - Power Swell [0]
 - Infiltration [0]
 - Hit & Run [0]
 - Defenses [0]

Assuming you, me dear reader has arrived all they way down here, I hope you have enjoyed these wild speculations. 

For the Motherland!


  1. Amazing review came to the same conclusion with my winter korp box the winter korp Infantry don't stand up to units in the Orgoth or Cygnar boxes head to head. The army expa sion box is needed to make the playable against other army starter boxes.

  2. All of the comments about polarity field fail to mention that polarity field only applies to constructs
